"Quenched" is a word in ENGLISH

quenched ENGLISH

of Quench

Few words of positivity

I almost gave my life long ago for a thingThat has gone to dust now, stinging my eyes—It is strange how often a heart must be brokenBefore the years can make it wise.

Sara Teasdale, Flame and Shadow

Laugh your heart out.

Brother: Which is farther away- NY City or the moon? Sister: NY City. Why do ask? Brother: Well, I can see the moon, but I can't see NY City.

adipsous ENGLISH

Quenching thirst, as certain fruits.

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Liquid to be swallowed; any fluid to be taken into the stomach for quenching thirst or for other purposes, as …

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To swallow anything liquid, for quenching thirst or other purpose; to imbibe; to receive or partake of, as if in …

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extinct ENGLISH

Extinguished; put out; quenched; as, a fire, a light, or a lamp, is extinct; an extinct volcano.

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extinguish ENGLISH

To quench; to put out, as a light or fire; to stifle; to cause to die out; to put an …

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Capable of being quenched, destroyed, or suppressed.

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The act of extinguishing, putting out, or quenching, or the state of being extinguished; extinction; suppression; destruction; nullification; as, the …

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inextinct ENGLISH

Not quenched; not extinct.

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At any one time; -- often nearly equivalent to ever, if ever, or whenever; as, once kindled, it may not …

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outquench ENGLISH

To quench entirely; to extinguish.

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palung CEBUANO

pálung v {1} [A; a] extinguish a fire, turn o? a light. Bumbíru ang nakapálung sa kaláyu, The firemen put …

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queint ENGLISH

imp. & p. p. of Quench.

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quench ENGLISH

To extinguish; to overwhelm; to make an end of; -- said of flame and fire, of things burning, and figuratively …

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quench ENGLISH

To become extinguished; to go out; to become calm or cool.

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quench ENGLISH

To cool suddenly, as heated steel, in tempering.

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quenchable ENGLISH

Capable of being quenched.

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quencher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, quenches.

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quenchless ENGLISH

Incapable of being quenched; inextinguishable; as, quenchless fire or fury.

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restinction ENGLISH

Act of quenching or extingishing.

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