"Que Estate" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


L. Fr. whose estate. A term used in pleading, particularly ln claiming prescrlptlon, by whlch it is alleged that the plalntlff and those former owners whose estate he has have lmmemorlally exer--clsed the right claimed. Thls was called “prescribing in a que estate.’’

Few words of positivity

A book is as dangerous as any journey you might take. The person who closes the back cover may not be the same one that opened the front one. Treat them with respect.

Mark Lawrence, Red Sister

Laugh your heart out.

A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane. Helped by a flight attendant, he finally managed tostuff it in the overhead bin. "Do you always carry such heavy luggage?" she sighed."No more," the man said. "Next time, I'm riding in the bag, and my partner can buy the ticket!"

administer ENGLISH

To settle, as the estate of one who dies without a will, or whose will fails of an executor.

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Bare Trustee LAW AND LEGAL

A person to whose fiduciary office no duties were originally attached, or who, although such duties were originally attached to …

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Conseil Judiciaire LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. when a person has been subjected to an Interdiction on the ground of his insane extravagance, but …

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Conveyancer LAW AND LEGAL

one whose business lt is to draw deeds, bonds, mortgages, wills, writs, or other legal papers, or to examine tl-tles …

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discontinuee ENGLISH

One whose possession of an estate is broken off, or discontinued; one whose estate is subject to discontinuance.

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official. Partly official or authorized. Having color of officiaf right.—official aot. one done by an oflicer in nis official capacity …

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inherit ENGLISH

To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by inheritance; to take as heir on the death of an …

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Persons connected together, or having a mutual interest ln the same action or thing, by some relation other than that …

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seguestration ENGLISH

A kind of execution for a rent, as in the case of a beneficed clerk, of the profits of a …

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Turned To A Right LAW AND LEGAL

This phrase means that a person whose estate is divested by usurpation cannot expel the possessor by mere entry, but …

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The benefit or profit of lands and tenements. Use imports a trust and confidence reposed in a man for the …

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