"Pyroxenic" is a word in ENGLISH

pyroxenic ENGLISH

Containing pyroxene; composed chiefly of pyroxene.

Few words of positivity

Why do they always prescribe thyroid medicine to go with the mental illness cocktails they whip up?

Stanley Victor Paskavich, Stantasyland: Quips Quotes and Quandaries

Laugh your heart out.

A psychiatrist was testing the mentality of a patient. "Do you ever hear voices without being able to tell who is speaking or where the voices are coming from?" asked the psychiatrist. "As a matter of fact, I do," said the patient. "And when does this happen?" asked the psychiatrist. "Oh," said the patient, "when I answer the telephone."

jeffersonite ENGLISH

A variety of pyroxene of olive-green color passing into brown. It contains zinc.

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lherzolite ENGLISH

An igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite (a variety of spinel containing chromium).

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peridotite ENGLISH

An eruptive rock characterized by the presence of chrysolite (peridot). It also usually contains pyroxene, enstatite, chromite, etc. It is …

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syenite ENGLISH

A granular, crystalline, ingeous rock composed of orthoclase and hornblende, the latter often replaced or accompanied by pyroxene or mica. …

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