"Pyroacetic" is a word in ENGLISH

pyroacetic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, and designating, a substance (acetone)
obtained by the distillation of the acetates. It is now called also
pyroacetic ether, and formerly was called pyroacetic spirit.

Few words of positivity

Perhaps each of us has a starved place, and each of us knows deep down what we need to fill that place. To find the courage to trust and honor the search, to follow the voice that tells us what we need to do, even when it doesn't seem to make sense, is a worthy pursuit.

Sue Bender, Plain and Simple: A Journey to the Amish

Laugh your heart out.

How do you post a fish? You send it COD ... or first bass mail


líbgus - See lígbus—A kind of edible mushroom.

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amomótol - A sort of leprous cancer, starting at the fingers or toes and slowly eating away whole members of …

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myrcia ENGLISH

A large genus of tropical American trees and shrubs, nearly related to the true myrtles (Myrtus), from which they differ …

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In old Engllsh law. A heap; a hay-mow, or hay-stack. Foenum in tas* is, hay In stacks. Reg. orig. 96

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The smooth breathing (spiritus lenis).

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inspire ENGLISH

To draw in by the operation of breathing; to inhale; -- opposed to expire.

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A noun suffix denoting act, process, result of an act or a process, thing acted upon, state, or condition; as, …

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scirrhoid ENGLISH

Resembling scirrhus.

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underget ENGLISH

To get under or beneath; also, to understand.

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In Saxon and old Engllsh law

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briber ENGLISH

One who bribes, or pays for corrupt practices.

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woodcutter ENGLISH

An engraver on wood.

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address ENGLISH

To aim; to direct.

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affiant ENGLISH

One who makes an affidavit.

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copperish ENGLISH

Containing, or partaking of the nature of, copper; like copper; as, a copperish taste.

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slabber ENGLISH

A slabbing machine.

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To have trust; to be credulous; to be won to confidence; to confide.

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incoming ENGLISH
strife ENGLISH

Exertion or contention for superiority; contest of emulation, either by intellectual or physical efforts.

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