"Puzzledom" is a word in ENGLISH

puzzledom ENGLISH

The domain of puzzles; puzzles, collectively.

Few words of positivity

Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift - look out out kid, they keep it all hid

Bob Dylan

Laugh your heart out.

Two cannibals just finished a big meal and one turns to the other while rubbing his stomach with his fist and says, "Youknow, I just ate my mother-in-law, and she still doesn't agree with me!"

buffle ENGLISH

To puzzle; to be at a loss.

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conundrum ENGLISH

A kind of riddle based upon some fanciful or fantastic resemblance between things quite unlike; a puzzling question, of which …

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Anything that is very puzzling or difficult to explain.

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To make dizzy; to astonish; to puzzle.

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enigma ENGLISH

An action, mode of action, or thing, which cannot be satisfactorily explained; a puzzle; as, his conduct is an enigma.

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enigmatical ENGLISH

Relating to or resembling an enigma; not easily explained or accounted for; darkly expressed; obscure; puzzling; as, an enigmatical answer.

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entangle ENGLISH

To involve in such complications as to render extrication a bewildering difficulty; hence, metaphorically, to insnare; to perplex; to bewilder; …

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ísip - Reckoning, counting, count, numbering, enumeration, tally, tale, mind, reason, thinking, idea, thought, reasoning; to reckon, count, carp, number, …

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To entangle or perplex; to puzzle.

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knotted ENGLISH

Entangled; puzzling; knotty.

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lágpat - To guess, conjecture, infer, suppose, assume, surmise, divine, believe, dare say, think. Lagpatá kon anó ang sulúd sang …

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lingín - Confused, worried, perplexed, bemused, puzzled, upset, dizzy, fuddled, in a quandary. (cf. língin, libúg, hubúg, lipóng).

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A lofty coniferous Chilian tree (Araucaria imbricata), the branches of which are so crowded and intertwisted \"as to puzzle a …

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mystify ENGLISH

To perplex the mind of; to puzzle; to impose upon the credulity of ; as, to mystify an opponent.

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nonplus ENGLISH

A state or condition which daffles reason or confounds judgment; insuperable difficalty; inability to proceed or decide; puzzle; quandary.

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nonplus ENGLISH

To puzzle; to confound; to perplex; to cause to stop by embarrassment.

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perplex ENGLISH

To embarrass; to puzzle; to distract; to bewilder; to confuse; to trouble with ambiguity, suspense, or anxiety.

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perplexed ENGLISH

Entangled, involved, or confused; hence, embarrassd; puzzled; doubtful; anxious.

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perplexing ENGLISH

Embarrassing; puzzling; troublesome.

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