"Pusibilidad" is a word in CEBUANO

pusibilidad CEBUANO

pusibilidad n possibility.
Dakù ang pusibilidad nga mahagbung ku, There is a great possibility that I will fail.

Few words of positivity

The more you love music, the more music you love.

Tom Moon, 1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die

Laugh your heart out.

What did one mosquito say to another when they came out of the cinema?Fancy a bite?

anthropoglot ENGLISH

An animal which has a tongue resembling that of man, as the parrot.

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discoursive ENGLISH

The state or quality of being discoursive or able to reason.

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ríbit - (B) To drop inadvertently, etc. See wígit.

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The familiar knowledge of any art or science, united with readiness and dexterity in execution or performance, or in the …

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embossed ENGLISH

Swollen; protuberant.

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market ENGLISH

A public place (as an open space in a town) or a large building, where a market is held; a …

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garagadang HILIGAYNON

garagadáng - A kind of small frog. (cf. mánwit, mánlà, pakâ, pánkà). A small drum, tambour. (cf. tambór, tamból). Not …

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wattle ENGLISH

To twist or interweave, one with another, as twigs; to form a network with; to plat; as, to wattle branches.

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tenacious ENGLISH

Niggardly; closefisted; miserly.

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Heredltary succession. Succession to the ownership of an estate by inheritance, or by any act of law, as distinguished from …

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telluric ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to tellurium; derived from, or resembling, tellurium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a …

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commissure ENGLISH

The point of union between two parts, as the angles of the lips or eyelids, the mandibles of a bird, …

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kolotkoton HILIGAYNON

kolotkóton - What is to—, should—, be dug out; tubers, roots. (cf. kótkot).

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L. LaL Together; jolntly. Townsh. Pl. 44

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despread ENGLISH
assigner ENGLISH

One who assigns, appoints, allots, or apportions.

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takul-takul HILIGAYNON

takúl-takúl - The cry of a turkey, gobble; to gobble (of a turkey or the like).

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dossil ENGLISH

A roll of cloth for wiping off the face of a copperplate, leaving the ink in the engraved lines.

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immedeatism ENGLISH
obtruder ENGLISH

One who obtrudes.

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