"Puruton" is a word in WARAY

puruton WARAY

Puruton - sea shells

Few words of positivity

You can almost always find chains of coincidence to disprove magic. That's because it doesn't happen the way it does in books. It makes those chains of coincidence. That's what it is.

Jo Walton, Among Others

Laugh your heart out.

The cannibal priest told his flock to close their eyes and say grace. "For whosoever we are about to eat, may the Lord make us truly thankful."

steeving ENGLISH

The act or practice of one who steeves.

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exegetics ENGLISH

The science of interpretation or exegesis.

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higwaus CEBUANO

higwaus v {1} [B16] be uneasy, anxious. Naghigwaus siya kay dúgayng naulì ang íyang anak, She felt uneasy because her …

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fluorated ENGLISH

Combined with fluorine; subjected to the action of fluoride.

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nitrogelatin ENGLISH

An explosive consisting of gun cotton and camphor dissolved in nitroglycerin.

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opposition ENGLISH

Repugnance; contrariety of sentiment, interest, or purpose; antipathy.

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erthine ENGLISH

A medicine designed to be snuffed up the nose, to promote discharges of mucus; a sternutatory.

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outstorm ENGLISH

To exceed in storming.

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megalocyte ENGLISH

A large, flattened corpuscle, twice the diameter of the ordinary red corpuscle, found in considerable numbers in the blood in …

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sagata CEBUANO

sagatà = sugatà.

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shredcook ENGLISH

The fieldfare; -- so called from its harsh cry before rain.

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alimbasag ILOKANO

v. /-EN/ to have insomnia, be sleepless or wakeful.

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-l-an alternant for -anan, added to some, but not all, bases which occur with -anan and usually with the same …

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An island. See Eyot.

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crow-silk ENGLISH

A filamentous fresh-water alga (Conferva rivularis of Linnaeus, Rhizoclonium rivulare of Kutzing).

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lamaite ENGLISH

One who believes in Lamaism.

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Erroneous or inaccurate recollection.

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leucoplast ENGLISH

Alt. of Leucoplastid

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