"Purgaturyu" is a word in CEBUANO

purgaturyu CEBUANO

purgaturyu n {1} purgatory.
{2} place of hardship like purga-tory.
v [B126] be in purgatory.

Few words of positivity

I always feel that life can teach you how to act. I'm always looking at life through other people's eyes. By feeling empathy. And I do feel that I am constantly learning.

Cara Delevingne

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor I've got wind! Can you give me something?Yes - here's a kite!


kumun a {1} common, ordinary. Kumun kaáyu nà dinhi. Daghan man gud, Thats awfully common here. There is so many …

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nubina CEBUANO

nubína n novena. nga bug-us n special novena for one person or soul. sa kumun n novena o? ered for …

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