"Pupas" is a word in ENGLISH


of Pupa

Few words of positivity

Maybe having schizophrenia is my big fuck-you to the status quo. Only, I guess at this point, being normal and well-adjusted would be, like, the biggest fuck-you of them all. So I guess I'll just try to shoot for that, if I can.

Nic Sheff, Schizo

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor My little boy has just swallowed a roll of film!Hmmmm. Let's hope nothing develops.

ant egg ENGLISH

One of the small white egg-shaped pupae or cocoons of the ant, often seen in or about ant-hills, and popularly …

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aurelia ENGLISH

The chrysalis, or pupa of an insect, esp. when reflecting a brilliant golden color, as that of some of the …

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chrysalis ENGLISH

The pupa state of certain insects, esp. of butterflies, from which the perfect insect emerges. See Pupa, and Aurelia (a).

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cocoon ENGLISH

The case constructed by any insect to contain its larva or pupa.

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ecdysis ENGLISH

The act of shedding, or casting off, an outer cuticular layer, as in the case of serpents, lobsters, etc.; a …

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Any young insect from the time that it hatches from the egg until it becomes a pupa, or chrysalis. During …

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metamorphosis ENGLISH

A change in the form or function of a living organism, by a natural process of growth or development; as, …

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mosquito ENGLISH

Any one of various species of gnats of the genus Culex and allied genera. The females have a proboscis containing, …

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mummiform ENGLISH

Having some resemblance to a mummy; -- in zoology, said of the pupae of certain insects.

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The pupa of an insect; a chrysalis.

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nymphiparous ENGLISH

Producing pupas or nymphs.

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obtected ENGLISH

Covered with a hard chitinous case, as the pupa of certain files.

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pruner ENGLISH

Any one of several species of beetles whose larvae gnaw the branches of trees so as to cause them to …

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division of insects (Zool.) reticulated wings, as in the Neuroptera, but having an active pupa state. It includes the dragon …

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pseudopupa ENGLISH

A stage intermediate between the larva and pupa of bees and certain other hymenopterous insects.

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Any insect in that stage of its metamorphosis which usually immediately precedes the adult, or imago, stage.

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púpa n {1} stern of boats. {2} = apúpa. v {1} [A] go toward the stern. Mipúpa ang hángin, The …

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A genus of air-breathing land snails having an elongated spiral shell.

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Of or pertaining to a pupa, or the condition of a pupa.

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