"Punyiti" is a word in CEBUANO

punyiti CEBUANO

punyíti v [A; a1] strike s.
with the fist in the face.
Kaáyu giyung punyitíhan ánang bugasun mung nawung, How Id love to smash your pimply face in.

Few words of positivity

Many „pathogens“ (both chemical and behavioral) can influence how you turn out; these include substance abuse by a mother during pregnancy, maternal stress, and low birth weight. As a child grows, neglect, physical abuse, and head injury can cause problems in mental development. Once the child is grown, substance abuse and exposure to a variety of toxins can damage the brain, modifying intelligence, aggression, and decision-making abilities. The major public health movement to remove lead-based paint grew out of an understanding that even low levels of lead can cause brain damage that makes children less inteligent and, in some cases, more impulsive and aggressive. How you turn out depends on where you´ve been. So when it comes to thinking about blameworthiness, the first difficulty to consider is that people do not choose their own developmental path.It´s problematic to imagine yourself in the shoes of a criminal and conclude, „Well, I wouldn´t have done that“ – because if you weren´t exposed to in utero cocaine, lead poisoning, or physical abuse, and he was, then you and he are not directly comparable.

David Eagleman

Laugh your heart out.

What did the dog use to make his kite?Flypaper.


ágao - To seize, take by force, usurp, snatch away from another. Indì mo pagagáwon ang íya sang ibán. Do …

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suspension ENGLISH

Of the payment of what is due; as, the suspension of a mercantile firm or of a bank.

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daluyduy CEBUANO

daluyduy v [B4; a4] {1} cough hard continuously, have such a cough. Nagdaluyduy ang ubu sa bátà, The childs cough …

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Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of …

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lagung CEBUANO

lagung n name given to flies larger than houseflies, including the bluebottle fly. v [a4] be infested with lagung. Gilagung …

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medullated ENGLISH

Furnished with a medulla or marrow, or with a medullary sheath; as, a medullated nerve fiber.

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kankan CEBUANO

kankan v {1} [A; b6] for movement of water to erode or wash s.t. away. Ang balud kusug mukankan sa …

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inscription ENGLISH

A line of division or intersection; as, the tendinous inscriptions, or intersections, of a muscle.

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blowhole ENGLISH

A cavern in a cliff, at the water level, opening to the air at its farther extremity, so that the …

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amusement ENGLISH

Deep thought; muse.

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contrariwise ENGLISH

On the contrary; oppositely; on the other hand.

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conchinine ENGLISH

dialékto - (Sp. dialecto) Dialect, form or idiom of a language peculiar to one place distinguishing it from the same …

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coffin ENGLISH

To inclose in, or as in, a coffin.

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One of the political party in the United States from about 1829 to 1856, opposed in politics to the Democratic …

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iwí-íwi - The scorpion.

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dawuntawun CEBUANO

dawuntawun n {1} downtown. {2} a light passenger vehicle which plies a certain route and picks up passengers. ikspris = …

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deliryo TAGALOG

deliryo Definition: (noun) delirium 2 Definition: (var) diliryo Notes: Spanish

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