"Punctilio" is a word in ENGLISH

punctilio ENGLISH

A nice point of exactness in conduct, ceremony, or
proceeding; particularity or exactness in forms; as, the punctilios of
a public ceremony.

Few words of positivity

Toward the end of February 1954, James Beard was at work in his Greenwich Village kitchen doing what he most loved to do: cooking delicious meals.

Laura Shapiro, Something from the Oven: Reinventing Dinner in 1950s America

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a black Eskimo dog ?A dusky husky !

formal ENGLISH

Devoted to, or done in accordance with, forms or rules; punctilious; regular; orderly; methodical; of a prescribed form; exact; prim; …

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precise ENGLISH

Strictly adhering or conforming to rule; very nice or exact; punctilious in conduct or ceremony; formal; ceremonious.

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precisian ENGLISH

An overprecise person; one rigidly or ceremoniously exact in the observance of rules; a formalist; -- formerly applied to the …

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punctualist ENGLISH

One who is very exact in observing forms and ceremonies.

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