"Psalter" is a word in ENGLISH

psalter ENGLISH

Specifically, the Book of Psalms as printed in the Book of
Common Prayer; among the Roman Catholics, the part of the Breviary
which contains the Psalms arranged for each day of the week.

psalter ENGLISH

A rosary, consisting of a hundred and fifty beads,
corresponding to the number of the psalms.

psalter ENGLISH

The Book of Psalms; -- often applied to a book containing
the Psalms separately printed.

Few words of positivity

She looked into his eyes, hoping he could give her something to hang on to. His response saddened her. "No. I wish I could give you a better answer, but I don't have it all planned out. I just try to be best I can today. Things like being happy, having a good time, have different definitions for me than they used to. Before you start trying to have a good time or figure out where you're going, first find out who you are. If you don't like yourself, that's the starting point, not the end point.

E. M. Youman

Laugh your heart out.

Why didn't the dog want to play football ?It was a boxer !


kutlù v {1} [A; a] break o? a flower, leaf, seed stalk, bud care-fully. Ángay na bang kutlúun ning buláka? …

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Especially, one of the hymns by David and others, collected into one book of the Old Testament, or a modern …

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salmu n psalm. -s n the Book of Psalms.

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