"Prusisyon" is a word in TAGALOG

prusisyon TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) a religious procession

Photo and image:
Religious Processionby: PilipinAZ, Religious Procession (2021).
Few words of positivity

I think that Obama's failure to reestablish the rule of law in money matters is the most damaging thing that he's done - and perhaps the most damaging thing that has happened in American politics in my lifetime. Because once the rule of law is absent in money matters, then anything really goes in politics.

James Howard Kunstler

Laugh your heart out.

Men are like bike helmets. They are handy in an emergency, but otherwise they just look silly.

syncopist ENGLISH

One who syncopates.

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curari ENGLISH

A black resinoid extract prepared by the South American Indians from the bark of several species of Strychnos (S. toxifera, …

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implement ENGLISH

To accomplish; to fulfill.

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humanity ENGLISH

The quality of being humane; the kind feelings, dispositions, and sympathies of man; especially, a disposition to relieve persons or …

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worthy ENGLISH

To render worthy; to exalt into a hero.

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rubber ENGLISH

An overshoe made of India rubber.

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ground ENGLISH

Any definite portion of the earth's surface; region; territory; country. Hence: A territory appropriated to, or resorted to, for a …

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despiciency ENGLISH

A looking down; despection.

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afront ENGLISH

dúnat n doughnut. v [A; a2b6] have, make doughnuts.

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volition ENGLISH

The power of willing or determining; will.

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subcostal ENGLISH

Situated below the costas, or ribs; as, the subcostal muscles.

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Very; extremely; as, main heavy.

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kalugaw-an HILIGAYNON

kalugáw-an - Fiasco, failure, frustrated efforts, baffled hopes. (cf. lugáw-an).

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The dividing of lands held by Joint tenants, coparceners, or tenants ln common, into distinct portions, so that they may …

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