"Prumusyun" is a word in CEBUANO

prumusyun CEBUANO

prumusyun síl, prumusyunal síl n special sale to promote prod-ucts.
v [A1; c6] hold such a sale.

prumusyun CEBUANO

prumusyun n promotion to a higher position.
Wà nà siya maapil sa prumusyun, He was passed over for promotion.
v [A1; b8] promote s.
to a higher position.

Few words of positivity

A book is as dangerous as any journey you might take. The person who closes the back cover may not be the same one that opened the front one. Treat them with respect.

Mark Lawrence, Red Sister

Laugh your heart out.

Janet came home from school and asked her mother if the aerosol spray in the kitchen was hair lacquer. "No," said Mom. "It's glue." "I thought so," said Janet. "I wondered why I couldn't get my hat off today."

hypnotic ENGLISH

Any agent that produces, or tends to produce, sleep; an opiate; a soporific; a narcotic.

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Any small insectivore of the genus Sorex and several allied genera of the family Sorecidae. In form and color they …

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capias ENGLISH

A writ or process commanding the officer to take the body of the person named in it, that is, to …

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mapabuyan-buyanon HILIGAYNON

mapabuyán-buyánon - Negligent, careless, letting things take their course without any serious reflection or effort at remedying the state of …

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lúnay - To become soft, pliant, plastic, mouldable, viscous, pliable, without melting completely, said of candles, lead and the like …

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allotropical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to allotropism.

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silverweed ENGLISH

A perennial rosaceous herb (Potentilla Anserina) having the leaves silvery white beneath.

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liay-liay HILIGAYNON

liáy-líay - Dim. and Freq. of liáy. Also: to move, shake, swing to and fro.

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glosser ENGLISH

A writer of glosses; a scholiast; a commentator.

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dissilition ENGLISH

The act of bursting or springing apart.

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priestcraft ENGLISH

Priestly policy; the policy of a priesthood; esp., in an ill sense, fraud or imposition in religious concerns; management by …

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iríwan - (B) See ináno id. Kanógon kon magiríwan kamó; índì akó magabáy. It would be a pity, if something …

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gradient ENGLISH

Rising or descending by regular degrees of inclination; as, the gradient line of a railroad.

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sabian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Saba in Arabia, celebrated for producing aromatic plants.

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luller ENGLISH

One who, or that which, lulls.

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tuos Active Verb: magtuos Passive Verb: tuusin Definition: (verb) to make an accounting of; to settle differences

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styrax ENGLISH
parliament ENGLISH

The assembly of the three estates of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, viz., the lords spiritual, lords …

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