"Properate" is a word in ENGLISH

properate ENGLISH

To hasten, or press forward.

Few words of positivity

Why crawl like a caterpillar when you have the wings to be a butterfly?

Faraaz Kazi, More Than Just Friends

Laugh your heart out.

As the bus came to the stop, the man at the front of the queue took out his eye, threw it up in the air and caught it before getting on the bus. An amazed conductor said, 'What on earth did you do that for?' 'I wanted to know if there was room on top,' replied the man.

accelerate ENGLISH

To hasten, as the occurence of an event; as, to accelerate our departure.

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acetifier ENGLISH

An apparatus for hastening acetification.

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advance ENGLISH

To make earlier, as an event or date; to hasten.

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adj. /NA-/ diligent, assiduous, industrious, eager. v. /AC-, -UM-/ to be diligent, assiduous, industrious, eager. Umagawa ka tapno maturpos mo …

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alipasá - To haste, hasten, hurry, bustle, be in a hurry, make haste. Nagaalipasá silá sa pagpaúlì, kay básì maulanán. …

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apurá - (Sp. apurar) To hasten, make haste, hurry, be quick, do quickly, push on with. Apurahá ang pagpatíndog sang …

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ballukattit ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to hurry up, hasten. Nagbalballukattit nga nagawid. She hurried up going home. Agballukattit ka ket rabiin. Hurry up …

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batin-batin HILIGAYNON

batín-batín - To walk quickly, hurry, haste, hasten, scurry, step briskly, run. Paypayí siá, agúd magbatínbatín. Beckon him to walk …

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black book ENGLISH

A book containing details of the enormities practiced in the English monasteries and religious houses, compiled by order of their …

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bura-bura HILIGAYNON

burá-búra - To hurry, quicken, hasten, urge to be quick. Buráburáha ang mga bátà, agúd magbulúthù, kay sa madalî na …

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búut v [A; b5] confine in a narrow place so that no air can get in or out. Napan-us ang …

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búut - To quicken—, hasten—, the ripening of fruit by wrapping it up in leaves or the like and putting …

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dagon-dagon HILIGAYNON

dagón-dágon - (B) To step out, walk briskly, walk with quick steps. Nagadagóndágon siá sa íya paglakát. He is walking …

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dahan-dahan HILIGAYNON

dahán-dáhan - To be quick, make haste, put one’s best foot forward; to quicken, hasten. Dahándahána ang ímo paglakát. Walk …

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dakin-dakin HILIGAYNON

dakín-dákin - (B) Dim. and Freq. of dákin. Also: To be quick, hasten, hurry, do quickly or with despatch. Dakíndákin …

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dalî - To be quick, prompt, fast, swift, speedy, rapid; to hasten, hurry, skurry, make haste, quicken, speed up, accelerate. …

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dardaras ILOKANO

v. /AG-:-EN/ to hurry, hasten; to do in a hurry. Nagdardaras nga nagdigos diay balasang. The young woman took a …

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dásay - To be quick, swift, fast, rapid, speedy, expeditious, do quickly, hasten, make haste. Dasáya ang ímo paghámbal. Speak …

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dásig - To be quick, do something with speed or promptness, hasten, etc. Dasíga ang paglakát mo. Walk quickly. Quicken …

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dikalás - To be in a hurry, hasten, hurry, make haste, be prompt or quick. Magdikalás ka gid sa pagpaúlì …

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