"Propaedeutics" is a word in ENGLISH

propaedeutics ENGLISH

The preliminary learning connected with any art or
science; preparatory instruction.

Few words of positivity

You will never turn from a sin you don’t hate.

Jen Wilkin

Laugh your heart out.

Policeman: Why were you asleep at the wheel?Motorist: Your siren lulled me to sleep.

Antejuramentum LAW AND LEGAL

In Saxon law. A preliminary or preparatory oath, (called also “pr#juramentum,” and “juramcntum calumni#,”) which both the accuser and ac-cused …

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arrange ENGLISH

To adjust or settle; to prepare; to determine; as, to arrange the preliminaries of an undertaking.

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beforehand ENGLISH

By way of preparation, or preliminary; previously; aforetime.

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A large bar of steel formed directly from an ingot by hammering or rolling, being a preliminary shape for further …

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catechumen ENGLISH

One who is receiving rudimentary instruction in the doctrines of Christianity; a neophyte; in the primitive church, one officially recognized …

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caucus ENGLISH

A meeting, especially a preliminary meeting, of persons belonging to a party, to nominate candidates for public office, or to …

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In English parliamentary practice. In the commons, this of-flcer, always a member, is elected by. the house on the assembling …

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Chrenecruda LAW AND LEGAL

Under the Salic law. This was a ceremony performed by a person who was too poor to pay his debt …

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commit ENGLISH

To pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger by some decisive act or preliminary step; -- often used reflexively; …

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Communings LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. The negotiations preliminary to the entering into a contract

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Conchjation LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. The formality to which intending litigants are subjected in cases brought before the juge de pair. The …

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confession ENGLISH

A formulary in which the articles of faith are comprised; a creed to be assented to or signed, as a …

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convention ENGLISH

An agreement or contract less formal than, or preliminary to, a treaty; an informal compact, as between commanders of armies …

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A preliminary layer, as of color, size, etc.

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design ENGLISH

A plan or scheme formed in the mind of something to be done; preliminary conception; idea intended to be expressed …

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design ENGLISH

To draw preliminary outline or main features of; to sketch for a pattern or model; to delineate; to trace out; …

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design ENGLISH

A preliminary sketch; an outline or pattern of the main features of something to be executed, as of a picture, …

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exuviate ENGLISH

To shed an old covering or condition preliminary to taking on a new one; to molt.

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In Initialibus LAW AND LEGAL

In the prellmlna-ries. A term ln Scotch practice, applied to the preliminary examination of a witness as to the following …

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Initialia Testimonh LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. Preliminaries of testimony. The preliminary examination of a wltness, before examining hlm in chief, answering to the …

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