"Propaedeutical" is a word in ENGLISH

propaedeutical ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or conveying, preliminary
instruction; introductory to any art or science; instructing

Few words of positivity

The love-goddess gestured to the fish of the lake below her and they gleefully gave up their scales to clothe her in a glimmering gown. The very ends of her toes dangled like cherries over the water as she drifted toward the beach. Even her pointed finger seemed a welcome sight. With a voice that sounded like the wind though roses, she whispered, ‘My boy . . .

I. Wright, Godkin

Laugh your heart out.

Joe was sitting at a bar. He was totally depressed. The bartender, serving him a drink, asked what was wrong."I'll never understand women" said Joe. "The other night on my birthday, my wife said as my gift, I could do with her what I wanted.""Wow! That's quite some gift" said the bartender. "So why are you so dejected?""Well I thought about it for a while" said Joe, "and decided to send her home to her mother, and now she won't even speak to me!"

aaronical ENGLISH

Pertaining to Aaron, the first high priest of the Jews.

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abactinal ENGLISH

Pertaining to the surface or end opposite to the mouth in a radiate animal; -- opposed to actinal.

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abdominal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the abdomen; ventral; as, the abdominal regions, muscles, cavity.

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abecedary ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or formed by, the letters of the alphabet; alphabetic; hence, rudimentary.

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abietic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the fir tree or its products; as, abietic acid, called also sylvic acid.

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abietinic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to abietin; as, abietinic acid.

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abiogenetic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to abiogenesis.

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abiological ENGLISH

Pertaining to the study of inanimate things.

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ablutionary ENGLISH

Pertaining to ablution.

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aboriginal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to aborigines; as, a Hindoo of aboriginal blood.

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abortional ENGLISH

Pertaining to abortion; miscarrying; abortive.

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abrahamic ENGLISH

Pertaining to Abraham, the patriarch; as, the Abrachamic covenant.

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absentaneous ENGLISH

Pertaining to absence.

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absinthial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to wormwood; absinthian.

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absolutist ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to absolutism; arbitrary; despotic; as, absolutist principles.

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absolutistic ENGLISH

Pertaining to absolutism; absolutist.

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abstractional ENGLISH

Pertaining to abstraction.

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abysmal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, an abyss; bottomless; unending; profound.

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abyssinian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Abyssinia.

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acadian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Acadie, or Nova Scotia.

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