"Promerit" is a word in ENGLISH

promerit ENGLISH

To deserve; to procure by merit.

promerit ENGLISH

To oblige; to confer a favor on.

Few words of positivity

Then, Éowyn of Rohan, I say to you that you are beautiful. In the valleys of our hills there are flowers fair and bright, and maidens fairer still; but neither flower nor lady have I seen till now in Gondor so lovely, and so sorrowful. It may be that only a few days are left ere darkness falls upon our world, and when it comes I hope to face it steadily; but it would ease my heart, if while the Sun yet shines, I could see you still. For you and I have both passed under the wings of the Shadow, and the same hand drew us back.

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

Laugh your heart out.

What do lawyers do after they die?They lie still.

admirable ENGLISH

Having qualities to excite wonder united with approbation; deserving the highest praise; most excellent; -- used of persons or things.

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adorable ENGLISH

Deserving to be adored; worthy of divine honors.

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arók-ok - (B) To laugh heartily, but not boisterously. Anó ang ginaarók-ok mo? Why are you laughing so merrily? Iníng …

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The relations of source, occasion, reason, consequence, or effect; as, at the sight; at this news; merry at anything; at …

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badlung CEBUANO

badlung v [A; a12] tell s.o. to stop doing s. t. , admonish. Ang kanáway mubadlung sa tímug, The west …

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balakolon HILIGAYNON

balakolón - (H) One who deserves or is to be beaten. (bákol; cf. halanotón, bulunalón).

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balantugon HILIGAYNON

balantúgon - (H) Deserving to be known or celebrated, to be proclaimed, worthy of fame and recognition, praiseworthy. (cf. bántug, …

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belong ENGLISH

To be deserved by.

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blacklist ENGLISH

To put in a black list as deserving of suspicion, censure, or punishment; esp. to put in a list of …

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blamable ENGLISH

Deserving of censure; faulty; culpable; reprehensible; censurable; blameworthy.

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That which is deserving of censure or disapprobation; culpability; fault; crime; sin.

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blameworthy ENGLISH

Deserving blame; culpable; reprehensible.

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To deserve; to earn.

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buluyayawon HILIGAYNON

buluyayawón - (H) Strong language, reproaches, insults, cursing and swearing, vile or opprobrious terms, raillery; deserving a curse, execrable. (buyáyaw).

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censurable ENGLISH

Deserving of censure; blamable; culpable; reprehensible; as, a censurable person, or censurable conduct.

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chastisable ENGLISH

Capable or deserving of chastisement; punishable.

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Deserving compassion or pity; pitiable.

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condign ENGLISH

Deserved; adequate; suitable to the fault or crime.

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condign ENGLISH

Worthy; suitable; deserving; fit.

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contemptible ENGLISH

Worthy of contempt; deserving of scorn or disdain; mean; vile; despicable.

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