"Prodigence" is a word in ENGLISH

prodigence ENGLISH

Waste; profusion; prodigality.

Few words of positivity

Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.

John Wesley

Laugh your heart out.

Person 1: It must be terrible for an opera singer to realize that he can never sing again.Person 2: Yes, but it's much more terrible if he doesn't realize it.

extravagant ENGLISH

Profuse in expenditure; prodigal; wasteful; as, an extravagant man.

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kaúdhà - Waste, prodigality, wastefulness, unthriftiness, lavishness, profusion, squandering, extravagance. (cf. údhà, kabuhahâ).

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prodigal ENGLISH

Given to extravagant expenditure; expending money or other things without necessity; recklessly or viciously profuse; lavish; wasteful; not frugal or …

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prodigality ENGLISH

Extravagance in expenditure, particularly of money; excessive liberality; profusion; waste; -- opposed to frugality, economy, and parsimony.

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prodigally ENGLISH

In a prodigal manner; with profusion of expense; extravagantly; wasteful; profusely; lavishly; as, an estate prodigally dissipated.

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spendthrift ENGLISH

One who spends money profusely or improvidently; a prodigal; one who lavishes or wastes his estate. Also used figuratively.

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squander ENGLISH

To spend lavishly or profusely; to spend prodigally or wastefully; to use without economy or judgment; to dissipate; as, to …

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