"Prodigate" is a word in ENGLISH

prodigate ENGLISH

To squander.

Few words of positivity

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

Laugh your heart out.

I think I hear burglars, dear. Are you awake? No!

aksaya TAGALOG

aksaya Active Verb: mag-aksaya Passive Verb: aksayahin Definition: 1) waste, wastage (noun) 2) wasteful (adj) 3) wasted (passive verb) 4) …

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barumbada CEBUANO

barumbáda v [A; c] squander s.t. valuable. Nagbarumbáda lang ka sa ímung kabílin, You are squandering your inheri-tance. Ibarumbáda lang …

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binuhahâ - To spend lavishly, to squander, waste, be a spendthrift. (cf. buhahâ).

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buhâ - (B) Wasteful, squandering, extravagant, thriftless, unthrifty, prodigal, improvident. Buhâ nga táo. A spendthrift.

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buhahâ - See buhâ. Buhahâ siá nga táo. He is a squanderer, spendthrift, prodigal (cf. maúdhà, mainusíkon, mahinguyángon).

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In the Roman law. A bankrupt; a spendthrift; a squanderer of public funds. Calvin

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despend ENGLISH

To spend; to squander. See Dispend.

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dilapidate ENGLISH

To impair by waste and abuse; to squander.

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dilapidation ENGLISH

The act of dilapidating, or the state of being dilapidated, reduced to decay, partially ruined, or squandered.

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dissipate ENGLISH

To destroy by wasteful extravagance or lavish use; to squander.

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dissipated ENGLISH

Squandered; scattered.

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dissipation ENGLISH

A dissolute course of life, in which health, money, etc., are squandered in pursuit of pleasure; profuseness in vicious indulgence, …

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gamble ENGLISH

To lose or squander by gaming; -- usually with away.

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garanatsa HILIGAYNON

garanátsa - (Sp. echar granos) To waste, squander, spend freely, be prodigal, lavish, thriftless, extravagant; spendthrift, improvident. Garanatsahá lang ang …

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gastár - (Sp. gastar) To spend, disburse, lay out, expend, pay; consume, use up, wear out, make the worse for …

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kahinguyangan HILIGAYNON

kahinguyángan - Expenditure, outlay, waste; squandering, extravagance, wastefulness, prodigality. (cf. uyáng).

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kamásà - To waste, squander, throw away. Dì mo pagkamasáan ang kwárta, kán-on, kinitáan, etc. Do not waste money, rice, …

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kaúdhà - Waste, prodigality, wastefulness, unthriftiness, lavishness, profusion, squandering, extravagance. (cf. údhà, kabuhahâ).

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lavish ENGLISH

To expend or bestow with profusion; to use with prodigality; to squander; as, to lavish money or praise.

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Not to employ; to employ ineffectually; to throw away; to waste; to squander; as, to lose a day; to lose …

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