"Prisage" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


An ancient hereditary reve-. nue of the crown, consisting in the right to take a certain quantity from cargoes of wine imported into England. In Edward I.’s reign lt was converted Into a pecuniary duty called “butlerage.” 2 Steph. Comm. 561

prisage ENGLISH

A right belonging to the crown of England, of taking two
tuns of wine from every ship importing twenty tuns or more, -- one
before and one behind the mast. By charter of Edward I. butlerage was
substituted for this.

prisage ENGLISH

The share of merchandise taken as lawful prize at sea
which belongs to the king or admiral.

Few words of positivity

He had you in his room?" A dark cloud crosses Jeb’s face. “Do you swear he didn’t try anything?”“Scout’s honor.”He squeezes my waist, tickling me. “Too bad you were never a Scout.”I squirm and smile. “Nothing happened.”That’s a lie. Morpheus got to me in a big way, showing me a side of myself I can hardly believe exists—one I’m not sure Jeb will be able to accept.

A.G. Howard, Splintered

Laugh your heart out.

Two friends who lived in the town were chatting. "I've just bought a pig," said the first. "But where will you keep it?" said the second. "Your yard's much too small for a pig!" "I'm going to keep it under my bed," replied his friend. "But what about the smell?" "He'll soon get used to that."

In English eccleslastlcal law. The primate of all England; the chief ecclesiastical digni-tary in the church. Hls customary privilege is …

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Coronation Oath LAW AND LEGAL

The oath ad-ministered to a sovereign at the ceremony of crowning or investing him with the in-slgnia of royalty, in …

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crown wheel ENGLISH

A wheel with cogs or teeth set at right angles to its plane; -- called also a contrate wheel or …

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Danegelt, Danegeld LAW AND LEGAL

A tribute of Is. and afterwards of 2s. uf>on every hide of laud through the realm, levied by the An-glo-Saxons, …

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The person on whom the king bestows hls right to any forfeiture that has fallen to the crown

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Duchy Of Lancaster LAW AND LEGAL

Those lands which formerly belonged to the dukes of Lancaster, and now belong to the crown in right of the …

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East India Company LAW AND LEGAL

The East India Company was originally established for prosecuting the trade between England and India, which they acquired a right …

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Flyman.Frymth LAW AND LEGAL

In oid English law. The offense of harboring a fugitive, the penalty attached to which was one of the rights …

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inherit ENGLISH

To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by inheritance; to take as heir on the death of an …

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intrench ENGLISH

To invade; to encroach; to infringe or trespass; to enter on, and take possession of, that which belongs to another; …

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In English law. The right of the crown, or to the crown; the right of succession to the throne. 1 …

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non obstante ENGLISH

A clause in old English statutes and letters patent, importing a license from the crown to do a thing notwithstanding …

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Nullum Tempus Act LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A name given to the statute 3 Geo. III. c. 16, because that act, in contravention of …

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Preces Primaries LAW AND LEGAL

In English ec-tfeslastical law. A right of the crown to name to the first prebend that becomes va-cant after the …

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primogeniture ENGLISH

The exclusive right of inheritance which belongs to the eldest son. Thus in England the right of inheriting the estate …

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A territorial Jurisdiction in Scotland conferred by the crown. The lands were sald to be given in liberam regali-tatem, and …

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To seize, and hold in possession, by force, or without right; as, to usurp a throne; to usurp the prerogatives …

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One of a political party which grew up in England in the seventeenth century, in the reigns of Charles I. …

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