"Preyful" is a word in ENGLISH

preyful ENGLISH

Rich in prey.

preyful ENGLISH

Disposed to take prey.

Few words of positivity

President Clinton signed a $10 million deal to write a book by 2003. Isn't that amazing? Yes, and get this, not only that, President Bush signed a $10 million deal to read a book by 2003.

Conan O'Brien

Laugh your heart out.

How do spacemen pass the time on long trips ?They play astronauts and crosses !

paradista CEBUANO

paradista see pára. paradur = aparadur.

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phyllite ENGLISH

Clay slate; argillaceous schist.

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tournure ENGLISH

Turn; contour; figure.

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kapahamakan HILIGAYNON

kapahamákan - Low or mean station (position); low estimate, contempt, contemptibility, despicableness. (cf. hámak, pahámak).

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unctuous ENGLISH

Bland; suave; also, tender; fervid; as, an unctuous speech; sometimes, insincerely suave or fervid.

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bángag - To crack, form fissures (said of the soil). Nagbángag ang ámon talámnan. Our field has cracks in it. …

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gladder ENGLISH

One who makes glad.

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The method in which the parts of a plant are arranged; also, the position of the parts.

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acknow ENGLISH
combine ENGLISH

To unite or join; to link closely together; to bring into harmonious union; to cause or unite so as to …

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shadow ENGLISH

A shaded place; shelter; protection; security.

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mnemonical ENGLISH

Assisting in memory.

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gúns n goon, hired thugs.

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unprop ENGLISH

To remove a prop or props from; to deprive of support.

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kamisón - (Sp. camisón) Long shirt, night-shirt, chiefly worn by women. (cf. báta).

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interwoven ENGLISH

imp. & p. p. of Interweave.

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igsóon - To stand in the relationship of Godchild to the Godparent’s own child. Igsóon silá—or—nagaigsóon silá. One is son, …

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foxglove ENGLISH

Any plant of the genus Digitalis. The common English foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is a handsome perennial or biennial plant, whose …

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