"Prepostor" is a word in ENGLISH

prepostor ENGLISH

See Prepositor.

Few words of positivity

Become aware of the physical distance and spatial orientation that you experience while in the company of others. Being empathetic and sensitive to a person’s physical comfort zone can have a huge effect on the way in which you are received and perceived.

Susan C. Young, The Art of Body Language: 8 Ways to Optimize Non-Verbal Communication for Positive Impact

Laugh your heart out.

How many seasons are there in a dogs life ?Just one, the moulting season !

normalization ENGLISH

Reduction to a standard or normal state.

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paroko, paroko HILIGAYNON

pároko, parokó - (Sp. párroco) Parish Priest, Rector. (cf. Kúra Pároko).

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paaráng - To warm, make warm. Paaráng ka ánay dirí. Warm yourself here. Magpaaráng ka sang ímo kamót sa kaláyo. …

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cooperage ENGLISH

The price paid for coopers; work.

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almoháda - (Sp. almohada) Pillow, bolster, cushion to sit on, or to rest one’s head upon. (cf. ulúnan).

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One who has charge of the baggage at a railway station or upon a line of public travel.

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lalawigan TAGALOG

lalawigan Definition: (noun) province

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A catalogue of saints acknowledged and canonized in the Roman Catholic Church.

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The act or power of giving by testament, or will.

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retorsion ENGLISH

Same as Retortion.

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sigwalu CEBUANO

sigwálu (from walu) n a deadly snake of shallow sea water. A victim is generally given only eight hours to …

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Fixed or established custom; ordinary course of conduct; practice; usage; hence, prominently, the involuntary tendency or aptitude to perform certain …

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kagánsal - Boisterousness, noise, uproar. (cf. gánsal; kagáhud, kagalúng).

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To impair; to damage; to mar; to soil.

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tibkul ILOKANO

v. /MAI-/ to stumble, trip.

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severe ENGLISH

Sharp; afflictive; distressing; violent; extreme; as, severe pain, anguish, fortune; severe cold.

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West Saxon Lage LAW AND LEGAL

The laws of the west Saxons, whlch obtained in the counties to the south and west of England, from Kent …

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three-leaved ENGLISH

Producing three leaves; as, three-leaved nightshade.

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apotelesmatic ENGLISH

Relating to the casting of horoscopes.

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