"Prefect" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


In French law. The name given to the public functionary who is churg-ed in chief with the administration of the laws, in each department of the country. Merl. Repert. See Crespln v. U- S., 168 U. S. 208, 18 Sup. CL 53, 42 L. Ed. 438. The term is also used, in practically the same sense, in Mexico. But ln New Mexico, a prefect is a probate judge

prefect ENGLISH

In the Greek and Roman Catholic churches, a title of
certain dignitaries below the rank of bishop.

prefect ENGLISH

A Roman officer who controlled or superintended a
particular command, charge, department, etc.; as, the prefect of the
aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a fleet, of the city guard, of
provisions; the pretorian prefect, who was commander of the troops
guarding the emperor's person.

prefect ENGLISH

A superintendent of a department who has control of its
police establishment, together with extensive powers of municipal

Few words of positivity

A visitor asked Lincoln what good news he could take home from an audience with the august executive. The president spun a story about a machine that baffled a chess champion by beating him thrice. The stunned champ cried while inspecting the machine, "There's a man in there!"Lincoln's good news, he confided from the heights of leadership, was that there was in fact a man in there.

Shelby Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville

Laugh your heart out.

Morris was passing a small courtyard and heard voices murmuring.He went in and saw an altar with a large zero in the middle anda banner that said 'N I L'. White-robed people were kneeling before the altar chanting hymnsto The Great Nullity ,The Blessed Emptiness, and The Big Zero inthe Sky. Morris turned to a white-robed observer beside him and wispered,.... ...... "Is Nothing Sacred?"

Litigation LAW AND LEGAL

ON. A judicial controversy. A contest ln a court of justice, for the purpose of enforcing a right

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benefit ENGLISH

To gain advantage; to make improvement; to profit; as, he will benefit by the change.

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grained ENGLISH

Having tubercles or grainlike processes, as the petals or sepals of some flowers.

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To refine by means of a cupel.

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karut-om ILOKANO

v. /AG-:-EN/ to crunch or grind with the teeth: said of uncooked rice. Isu ti nagkarut-om ti bagas. It was …

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v. /-UM-/ to approach, come near. Umadanin ti paskua. Christmas is approaching. --syn. ASIDEG. --var. ADDANI.

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To blame; to accuse; to charge with.

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An aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree; an order; a class.

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The dead stump of a tree; also, the stem of a plant.

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lordship ENGLISH

Seigniory; domain; the territory over which a lord holds jurisdiction; a manor.

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Pioneer Patent LAW AND LEGAL
panghilamon HILIGAYNON

panghilamón - To weed, weed out, pull up weeds, clear of weeds. (hilamón).

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infuriate ENGLISH

Enraged; rading; furiously angry; infuriated.

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alcoholic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to alcohol, or partaking of its qualities; derived from, or caused by, alcohol; containing alcohol; as, alcoholic …

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That part of the grounds reserved for the players which is outside of the diamond; -- called also outfield.

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The sleepers, and fastenings, in distinction from the roadbed.

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yahigyahig CEBUANO

yahigyahig v [AB; c1] scatter s.t. all over a place, be scattered all over. Kinsay miyahigyahig sa mga piryudiku? Who …

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unseven ENGLISH

To render other than seven; to make to be no longer seven.

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