"Predial" is a word in ENGLISH

predial ENGLISH

Consisting of land or farms; landed; as, predial estate;
that is, real estate.

predial ENGLISH

Attached to land or farms; as, predial slaves.

predial ENGLISH

Issuing or derived from land; as, predial tithes.

Few words of positivity

I watched him suck on the bag and I shivered involuntarily at the sudden memory of Jameson’s fangs sliding into my neck. I vividly remembered the instant feeling of ecstasy that overtook my body last night when he fed from me and the intense orgasms that followed.

J.L. McCoy, Sins of the Father

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: What can you tell me about the Dead Sea?Pupil: Dead?, I didn't even know he was sick!

Predial Servitude LAW AND LEGAL

A rlght whlch is granted for the advantage of one piece of land over another, and which may he exer-dsed …

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