"Precellent" is a word in ENGLISH

precellent ENGLISH

Excellent; surpassing.

Few words of positivity

The bird of hope singsPerched on the branches of twilight;Never grieve for anythingFor, the day always follows the night!

Neelam Saxena Chandra

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why didn't Intel call the Pentium the 586?A: Because they added 486 and 100 on the first Pentium and got 585.999983605.

better ENGLISH

To surpass in excellence; to exceed; to excel.

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beyond ENGLISH

In a degree or amount exceeding or surpassing; proceeding to a greater degree than; above, as in dignity, excellence, or …

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buggaitan HILIGAYNON

buggaítan - Prominent, outstanding, excelling, excellent, surpassing, the best (of a kind). (cf. lágting, tínggas, lutáw, alîálì, bántug). búghà (B) …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to surpass, excel, outdo. Sino ti nangdaeg kenka? Who outdid you? —syn.ABAK.

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daig Definition: (adj) surpassed, excelled, beaten 2 Definition: (syn) talo

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To exceed or go beyond; to surpass.

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To go beyond or surpass in good qualities or laudable deeds; to outdo or outgo, in a good sense.

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To surpass others in good qualities, laudable actions, or acquirements; to be distinguished by superiority; as, to excel in mathematics, …

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excellent ENGLISH

Excelling; surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense; …

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exquisite ENGLISH

Carefully selected or sought out; hence, of distinguishing and surpassing quality; exceedingly nice; delightfully excellent; giving rare satisfaction; as, exquisite …

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inimitable ENGLISH

Not capable of being imitated, copied, or counterfeited; beyond imitation; surpassingly excellent; matchless; unrivaled; exceptional; unique; as, an inimitable style; …

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labáw - Over, above, higher, taller, excelling, exceeding; to surpass, exceed. Nagalabáw sa simbáhan iníng kawáyan. This bamboo is higher …

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To go beyond in performance; to excel; to surpass.

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outlearn ENGLISH

To excel or surpass in learing.

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outreason ENGLISH

To excel or surpass in reasoning; to reason better than.

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outsee ENGLISH

To see beyond; to excel in cer/ainty of seeing; to surpass in foresight.

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overdo ENGLISH

To surpass; to excel.

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overpass ENGLISH

To surpass; to excel.

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pangabis-kabis HILIGAYNON

pangabís-kábis - Dim. of pangábis. Also: to excel, be superior, surpass, give a very good account of oneself. Iníng bátà …

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To transcend; to surpass; to excel; to exceed.

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