"Preaching" is a word in ENGLISH

preaching ENGLISH

The act of delivering a religious discourse; the art of
sermonizing; also, a sermon; a public religious discourse; serious,
earnest advice.

preaching ENGLISH

of Preach

Few words of positivity

APRIL 20, 2017 Day 110 of 365...God did not bring you far to fail you now, it has full of succession both good vibes and bad times. But still have a way

Napz Cherub Pellazo

Laugh your heart out.

"Isn't the principal a dummy!" said a boy to a girl."Say, do you know who I am?" asked the girl."No.""I'm the principal's daughter.""And do you know who I am?" asked the boy."No," she replied."Thank goodness!"

preach ENGLISH

A religious discourse.

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preach ENGLISH

To proclaim or publish tidings; specifically, to proclaim the gospel; to discourse publicly on a religious subject, or from a …

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preach ENGLISH

To proclaim by public discourse; to utter in a sermon or a formal religious harangue.

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preacher ENGLISH

One who preaches; one who discourses publicly on religious subjects.

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sermon ENGLISH

Specifically, a discourse delivered in public, usually by a clergyman, for the purpose of religious instruction and grounded on some …

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