"Prattled" is a word in ENGLISH

prattled ENGLISH

of Prattle

Few words of positivity

Imagine saying to somebody that you have a life-threatening illness, such as cancer, and being told to pull yourself together or get over it.Imagine being terribly ill and too afraid to tell anyone lest it destroys your career.Imagine being admitted to hospital because you are too ill to function and being too ashamed to tell anyone, because it is a psychiatric hospital.Imagine telling someone that you have recently been discharged and watching them turn away, in embarrassment or disgust or fear.Comparisons are odious. Stigmatising an illness is more odious still.

Sally Brampton, Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression

Laugh your heart out.

There is a new Barbie doll on the market - Hockey Barbie ...comes with hockey stick and missing teeth

babble ENGLISH

Idle talk; senseless prattle; gabble; twaddle.

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buhaha CEBUANO

buhahà, buhàhà a {1} talking or laughing loudly. {2a} loud-mouthed, talking boastfully. {2b} blabber-mouthed, unable to keep secrets. Patákà lag …

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bungalngal HILIGAYNON

bungálngal - To be a chatterbox, to prate, prattle, chatter, talk glibly or flippantly.

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búrà - To talk much, prate, prattle, be loquacious, to chatter. Indì mo pagburáon ang mga waláy pulús nga halambalánon. …

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cackle ENGLISH

To talk in a silly manner; to prattle.

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cackle ENGLISH

Idle talk; silly prattle.

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cackler ENGLISH

One who prattles, or tells tales; a tattler.

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To talk; to speak; to prattle.

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chatter ENGLISH

Sounds like those of a magpie or monkey; idle talk; rapid, thoughtless talk; jabber; prattle.

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chitchat ENGLISH

Familiar or trifling talk; prattle.

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Continual or importunate talk; prattle; prating.

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claver ENGLISH

Frivolous or nonsensical talk; prattle; chattering.

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confabulate ENGLISH

To talk familiarly together; to chat; to prattle.

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dálat - Nonsense, bosh, twaddle; to prate, prattle, talk nonsense. Hinúgay na sang dálat sang ímo sugilánon. Stop this kind …

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dampúrat - Foolish talk, nonsense; to utter nonsense, talk like a fool, drivel, prate, prattle. Indì ka magdampúrat. Don’t talk …

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dangúsal - To use profane—, indecent—, language; to prate, prattle. (cf. ngálngal, ngásal; dúpak, bástos).

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daraákan - (B) To prattle, prate, gab, gabble, rattle on, talk much, be loquacious, garrulous, so that nobody has a …

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díkal - To prattle, prate, be a chatterbox; to boast, brag. (cf. wákal, búrà, hádak).

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dúkà - A quick downward motion of the head from drowsiness, a nod; to let the head sink—,—drop—,—bend—, from drowsiness, …

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garo-garo HILIGAYNON

garó-garó - A talker, chatterer, chatterbox; glib, garrulous, loquacious, talkative, talking at random, rambling in one’s conversation, voluble in one’s …

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