"Pragmin" is a word in CEBUANO

pragmin CEBUANO

pragmin n frogmen.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes, very rarely, life endows you with a moment of sheer flawlessness when everything is just like it is supposed to be – the smell of the air, the softness of the light, the sound of birds perching in the treetops, and someone’s smiling eyes. You don’t even try to make that moment last longer, you just exist inside its depths, while everything outside becomes invisible. Then something cracks almost inaudibly; a sunbeam starts to shine a little brighter, or a dust particle changes direction, and it’s over. You can feel the pulse of the outside world again. And you don’t want to go back inside. You just feel grateful.

Milena Veen, Just Like a Musical

Laugh your heart out.

What are baby witches called? Halloweenies.

umbilicus ENGLISH

An ornamented or painted ball or boss fastened at each end of the stick on which manuscripts were rolled.

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tackled ENGLISH

Made of ropes tacked together.

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amnesia ENGLISH

Forgetfulness; also, a defect of speech, from cerebral disease, in which the patient substitutes wrong words or names in the …

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harrow ENGLISH

To draw a harrow over, as for the purpose of breaking clods and leveling the surface, or for covering seed; …

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A loose outer garment, extending from the neck downwards, and commonly without sleeves. It is longer than a cape, and …

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Any carnivorous mammal of the family Hyaenidae, of which three living species are known. They are large and strong, but …

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strout ENGLISH

To cause to project or swell out; to enlarge affectedly; to strut.

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backstreet boys GAY LINGO

cute guys sa likuran mo

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conflate ENGLISH

To blow together; to bring together; to collect; to fuse together; to join or weld; to consolidate.

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strath ENGLISH

A valley of considerable size, through which a river runs; a valley bottom; -- often used in composition with the …

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rúta n route, itinerary. Ang rúta sa ámung paglangyaw muági sa Rúma, Our tour will go through Rome. Dílì ku …

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combinate ENGLISH

United; joined; betrothed.

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dulcite ENGLISH

A white, sugarlike substance, C6H8.(OH)2, occurring naturally in a manna from Madagascar, and in certain plants, and produced artificially by …

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lying-in ENGLISH

The act of bearing a child.

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n. mumps. v. /AG-/ to be afflicted with this.

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oratorio ENGLISH

A more or less dramatic text or poem, founded on some Scripture nerrative, or great divine event, elaborately set to …

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tarso- ENGLISH

A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the tarsus; as, tarsometatarsus.

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