"Postscript" is a word in ENGLISH

postscript ENGLISH

A paragraph added to a letter after it is concluded and
signed by the writer; an addition made to a book or composition after
the main body of the work has been finished, containing something
omitted, or something new occurring to the writer.

Few words of positivity

Probably I share a lot of stuff I haven't count them exactly but probably you understand the few. Why???Let me guess that you don't understand horror you take it like horror nothing else, I can tell you horror isn't really a horror. It's a lesson, but can you find it in this puzzle?? Or riddle?

Deyth Banger

Laugh your heart out.

May lahi ka bang keyboard? - type kasi kita

accommodation ENGLISH

The application of a writer's language, on the ground of analogy, to something not originally referred to or intended.

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A mark [^] used by writers and proof readers to indicate that something is interlined above, or inserted in the …

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