"Postponing" is a word in ENGLISH

postponing ENGLISH

of Postpone

Few words of positivity

Immortality like this is about as useful as sunscreen on a submarine.

Elizabeth Marx, All's Fair in Vanity's War

Laugh your heart out.

What does a cow like to do by a campfire?Roast Moosmallows!

adjourn ENGLISH

To put off or defer to another day, or indefinitely; to postpone; to close or suspend for the day; -- …

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To put off; defer; postpone. To postpone action of a convened court or body until another time specified, or indefl-nitely, …

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adjournal ENGLISH

Adjournment; postponement.

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adjournment ENGLISH

The time or interval during which a public body adjourns its sittings or postpones business.

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alilis ILOKANO

v. /MANGI-: I-/ to postpone, delay. Iyalilis yo koma ti ponsion tapno makaumay kami. I hope you will delay the …

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alogan-gan HILIGAYNON

alogán-gan - To postpone, procrastinate, tarry, put off, delay; tarrying, delaying, etc. The verb is frequently used with pa-. Dílì …

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ampliation ENGLISH

A postponement of the decision of a cause, for further consideration or re-argument.

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atrasár - (Sp. atrasar) To be—, do—, late, to postpone, put off. Nagatrasár siá sing duhá ka táknà (óras) sang …

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backwardation ENGLISH

The seller's postponement of delivery of stock or shares, with the consent of the buyer, upon payment of a premium …

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buyan-buyan HILIGAYNON

buyán-búyan - To neglect, postpone, put off, procrastinate, disregard, pay no attention to. Dílì mo pagbuyánbuyánan ang ímo mga tulumánon. …

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contango ENGLISH

The postponement of payment by the buyer of stock on the payment of a premium to the seller. See Backwardation.

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Continuance LAW AND LEGAL

The adjournment or postponement of an actlon pending in a court, to a subsequent day of the same or another …

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To put off; to postpone to a future time; to delay the execution of; to delay; to withhold.

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deferment ENGLISH

The act of delaying; postponement.

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Delayed; put off; reinand-ed; postponed to a future time

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A writ for respiting or postponing homage. Fitzh. Nat Brev. 269, A.

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Fr. To fork. This was a method of delaying an action anciently re-sorted to by defendants wben two of them …

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gím n {1} game, sports competition. Giuswag ang gím tungud sa ulan, The game was postponed due to the rain. …

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kumpanyiru CEBUANO

kumpanyíru n term of address to intimates, used esp. among lawyers. Kumpanyíru, nauswag ang átung bista, Our hearing has been …

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lántang - To put off, procrastinate, postpone, prolong, protract, delay, defer. Indì mo paglantangón ang ímo sugilánon. Don’t spend a …

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