"Postero" is a word in ENGLISH

postero ENGLISH

- (/). A combining form meaning posterior, back; as,
postero-inferior, situated back and below; postero-lateral, situated
back and at the side.

Few words of positivity

When you've been hurt by someone you love like he has, why would you ever seek love out? Why would you risk being hurt again?

Veronica Rossi, Roar and Liv

Laugh your heart out.

A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say, "That's not it" and put it down again. This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested. The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from the army. The soldier picked it up, smiled and said, "That's it."


búyun v [C; c] be situated beside and, usually, in line. Nagbúyun ang mga balay sa subà, The houses are …

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A large ruminant used in Asia and Africa for carrying burdens and for riding. The camel is remarkable for its …

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dorsal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or situated near, the back, or dorsum, of an animal or of one of its parts; notal; tergal; …

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ephippium ENGLISH

A saddle-shaped cavity to contain the winter eggs, situated on the back of Cladocera.

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hamstring ENGLISH

One of the great tendons situated in each side of the ham, or space back of the knee, and connected …

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inverted ENGLISH

Situated apparently in reverse order, as strata when folded back upon themselves by upheaval.

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kumprumisu CEBUANO

kumprumísu n {1} committal to s.t. onerous or objectionable from which there is no turning back. {2} spouse or family …

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láin a {1} di? erent, another. Láin ning klasíha sa panaptun, This is a di? erent k. o. cloth. {1a} …

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mína n situation in pool wherein two or more balls are in contact with each other and the one in …

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A division of opisthobranchiate mollusks, having no shell except while very young. The gills are naked and situated upon the …

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pit-us CEBUANO

pit-us a {1} not a? ording enough space. Pit-us nga kwartu, A room that is too small. Pit-us ang dálan …

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postfrontal ENGLISH

Situated behind the frontal bone or the frontal region of the skull; -- applied especially to a bone back of …

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post-temporal ENGLISH

Situated back of the temporal bone or the temporal region of the skull; -- applied especially to a bone which …

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predorsal ENGLISH

Situated in front of the back; immediately in front, or on the ventral side the dorsal part of the vertebral …

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spider ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of arachnids comprising the order Araneina. Spiders have the mandibles converted into poison fangs, or …

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An order, or suborder, of gastropod Mollusca in which the gills are usually situated on one side of the back, …

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yámas = yámat, as exclamation. yámat {1} exclamation of pleasant surprise. Yámat, aháan! My! Its a giant snapper. {2} exclamation …

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yáwà n {1} devil. {2} devilish person. Ag yáwà, mudáyig nímu sa atubángan unyà manglibak sa luyu, The devil praises …

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