"Postern" is a word in ENGLISH

postern ENGLISH

Back; being behind; private.

postern ENGLISH

A subterraneous passage communicating between the parade
and the main ditch, or between the ditches and the interior of the

postern ENGLISH

Originally, a back door or gate; a private entrance;
hence, any small door or gate.

Few words of positivity

In grief, part of the pain comes from our feeling that we should not suffer so - that it is fundamentally alien to our being, this even though we all suffer, and frequently. Yet we reject suffering as a basic human truth, while greeting joy as integral to our very substance.

Wendy Beckett, Sister Wendy's Meditations on Joy

Laugh your heart out.

First witch: Here's a banana if you can spell it. Second witch: I can spell banana. I just don't know when to stop.

eavesdrop ENGLISH

To stand under the eaves, near a window or at the door, of a house, to listen and learn what …

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A private path or road; also, the wicket or hatch of a door.

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