"Portpane" is a word in ENGLISH

portpane ENGLISH

A cloth for carrying bread, so as not to touch it with
the hands.

Few words of positivity

So young and so lethargic! As though he had been born to sit and stare like this. Ever since Kiyoaki had confided in him, Shigekuni, who would have been bright and confident, as befitted such an able young man, had undergone a change. Or rather, the friendship between him and Kiyoaki had undergone a strange reversal. For years, each of them had been extremely careful to intrude in no way on the personal life of the other. But now, just three days before, Kiyoaki had suddenly come to him and, like a newly cured patient transmitting his disease to someone else, had passed on to his friend the virus of introspection. It had taken hold so readily that Honda's disposition now seemed a far better host to it than Kiyoaki's. The first major symptom of the disease was a vague sense of apprehension.

Yukio Mishima, Spring Snow

Laugh your heart out.

Swedish business consultant Ulf af Trolle labored 11 years on a book about Swedish economic solutions. He took the 175-page manuscript to be copied, only to have it reduced to 25,000 strips of paper in seconds when a worker confused the copier with the shredder.


abaká - (Sp. abaca) The hemp-plant; hemp-fibre; hempen, made of hemp. Panápton nga abaká, kalát nga abaká, etc. Hemp-cloth, hemp-rope, …

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ában - To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga …

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n. textile, specifically cloth woven in the native loom (PAGABLAN). v. /AG-/ to weave cloth, especially in the native loom. …

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abhung CEBUANO

abhung a musty and flat in smell: damp clothing, rice, sweet potatoes, salted fish, et al. v [B; b6] be, …

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abungot ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to cover one’s head or eyes (with . handkerchief a bandana, etc.). Agabungot ka ket agar-arbis. Cover your …

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adansonia ENGLISH

A genus of great trees related to the Bombax. There are two species, A. digitata, the baobab or monkey-bread of …

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adatis ENGLISH

A fine cotton cloth of India.

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v. /MANG-:-AN/ to put weight on so as to press (it. down to lie on. Saan mo nga addagan dagita …

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address ENGLISH

To clothe or array; to dress.

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adj. /NAG-/ many, much, plenty, numerous. Immay ti adu nga tao. Many people came. AG- [pt. NAG-, prp. AG- + …

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ag--inn-ak ILOKANO

1. to do the action denoted by the stem to each other. Nagpinnakawan da. They forgave each other. 2. to …

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A frame on which clothes are aired or dried.

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to take, collect or gather inside (usually clothes) (from where they have been placed to dry). Akasem …

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ákmol - Crustiness, thickness; to thicken, to harden, become crusty, to crust or incrust, said of dirt, dusty perspiration on …

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akub v [AC; ac] fit s.t. over s.t. else face to face so that the edges meet, or the edge …

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ákup - To take under one’s care, to receive hospitably or kindly, to give board and lodging to, to shelter, …

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alang-alang CEBUANO

alang-álang a {1} not quite time, unseasonable. Ang-ng na run igikan. Dì na ka kaabut, Its no use going now. …

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algodón - (Sp. algodon) Cotton, cotton cloth, cotton thread. (cf. búlak, búrak; hílo).

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v. /MANG-:-AN/ to stain, discolor. Daytoy nga lupot ti nangali kadagitoy puraw nga ules. This cloth was the one that …

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Lat In the civil law. Aliments; means of support, including food, (cibaria,) clothing, (veatitua,) and habitation, (habitatio.) Dig. 34, 1, …

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