"Pommel" is a word in ENGLISH

pommel ENGLISH

The top (of the head).

pommel ENGLISH

A knob forming the finial of a turret or pavilion.

pommel ENGLISH

A knob or ball; an object resembling a ball in form

pommel ENGLISH

The knob or protuberant part of a saddlebow.

pommel ENGLISH

The knob on the hilt of a sword.

pommel ENGLISH

To beat soundly, as with the pommel of a sword, or with
something knoblike; hence, to beat with the fists.

Few words of positivity

John 14:6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me.Psalm 45:1My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Tamara Sanguinetti, He is The Prince of Peace

Laugh your heart out.

Customer: "Hi, I'm supposed to pack [zip] my database and send it to you. What should I pack it in?"


alóp - A plug, peg, bung, wedge driven into an object from underneath or behind; a boss, stud, knob. (cf. …

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baó-báo - Dim. of baó. Also: The instep, the forepart of the upper side of the human foot near its …

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A small knob of metal on a firearm, used for taking aim (whence the expression to draw a bead, for, …

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bell jar ENGLISH

A glass vessel, varying in size, open at the bottom and closed at the top like a bell, and having …

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bíngkol - A knob, protuberance; the hipbone prominent in a horse, ass, etc. (cf. bokól, pískil).

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bóklon - Knobby, knotty, bumpy, having one or more hard—bumps,— protuberances,—swellings. Ang may bokól ginatawág nga bóklon. That which has …

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boko-boko HILIGAYNON

bokó-bóko - Knuckle, ankle, wrist-bone, knob, boss, stud.

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bokól - Knob, hard protuberance, stud, boss, bump, hard swelling. (cf. bokóbóko). bókon, To fill a narrow space, be enclosed …

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A protuberant ornament on any work, either of different material from that of the work or of the same, as …

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bottone ENGLISH

Having a bud or button, or a kind of trefoil, at the end; furnished with knobs or buttons.

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bull's-eye ENGLISH

A thick knob or protuberance left on glass by the end of the pipe through which it was blown.

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A protuberance; a hunch; a knob or lump; a hump.

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The round knob of an antler next to a deer's head.

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button ENGLISH

A knob; a small ball; a small, roundish mass.

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cascabel ENGLISH

The projection in rear of the breech of a cannon, usually a knob or breeching loop connected with the gun …

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cobiron ENGLISH

An andiron with a knob at the top.

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croche ENGLISH

A little bud or knob at the top of a deer's antler.

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crocket ENGLISH

A croche, or knob, on the top of a stag's antler.

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doornail ENGLISH

The nail or knob on which in ancient doors the knocker struck; -- hence the old saying, \"As dead as …

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To form into little burs, prominences, knobs, or tufts, as the nap of cloth.

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