"Polverine" is a word in ENGLISH

polverine ENGLISH

Glassmaker's ashes; a kind of potash or pearlash,
brought from the Levant and Syria, -- used in the manufacture of fine

Few words of positivity

Everything that falls upon the eye is an apparition, a sheet dropped over the world's true workings. The nerves & brain are tricked, and one is left with dreams that these specters loose their hands from ours and walk away...so familiar as to imply that they should be permanent fixtures of the world, when in fact nothing is more perishable...Why must we be left, the survivors picking among flotsam, among the small, unnoticed, unvalued clutter that remained when they vanished, that only catastrophe had made notable?...It seemed to me that what perished need not also be lost.

Marilynn Robinson in Housekeeping

Laugh your heart out.

Why were the trick-or-treaters wearing grass skirts? Because it was Hulaween!

kipper ENGLISH

A salmon after spawning.

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aponeurosis ENGLISH

Any one of the thicker and denser of the deep fasciae which cover, invest, and the terminations and attachments of, …

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sangkad CEBUANO

sangkad a broad, having ample width. Sangkad nga panaptun, Cloth that is of ample width. v {1} [B1256] be completely …

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stableboy ENGLISH

Alt. of Stableman

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humay n general term for rice. sa bantuk, kamad-an n upland rice. a two-faced (slangon analogy of milled rice grains …

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butwan ILOKANO

var. of BUTTUAN.

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whipparee ENGLISH

A large sting ray (Rhinoptera bonasus, or R. quadriloba) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. Its snout appears …

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kaímot - Stinginess, miserliness, closefistedness, meanness, niggardliness, parsimoniousness. (ímot).

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A mark, impression, or visible appearance of anything left when the thing itself no longer exists; remains; token; vestige.

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A Hebrew dry measure, supposed to be equal to two pecks and five quarts. ten ephahs make one homer.

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inclinnation ENGLISH

A direction or tendency from the true vertical or horizontal direction; as, the inclination of a column, or of a …

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paburitu CEBUANO

paburítu a favorite. Ang adúbu mauy paburítu kung sud-an, Adobo is my favorite dish. v [B126] become ones favorite.

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pooler ENGLISH

A stick for stirring a tan vat.

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dovekie ENGLISH

A guillemot (Uria grylle), of the arctic regions. Also applied to the little auk or sea dove. See under Dove.

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shindle ENGLISH

A shingle; also, a slate for roofing.

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A single ring or division of a chain.

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antipyic ENGLISH

An antipyic medicine.

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billow ENGLISH

To surge; to rise and roll in waves or surges; to undulate.

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A scaup duck. See below.

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