"Pologwan" is a word in HILIGAYNON


pológwan - (H) A basket with wide
meshes, larger than an "alát” and used for
carrying chickens to the market, etc.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes you have to make choices, and they're imperfect, but they're the only choices you can make and live with yourself.

Charles Sheehan-Miles, The Last Hour

Laugh your heart out.

A hindu priest, rabbi and a lawyer were driving down the road, when the car breaks down. Fortunately finding a farmhouse nearby, the farmer informed them that he had only one spare room, and that it had only two twin beds.They were welcome to it, but one of them had to sleep in the barn. After much discussion, the hindu volunteered to go to the barn. A few moments later, a knock on the bedroom door, and the hidu explained that there was a cow in the barn, and cows are sacred and he could not possibly sleep in the barn with a cow.Annoyed, the rabbi volunteered. A few moments later, a knock on the door. The rabbi explained that there was a pig in the barn and that he, being very orthodox, could not possibly spend the evening in the barn with the origin of pork.Finally the lawyer said that he would go to the barn. A few moments later there was a knock on the door. It was the cow and the p ig!

depdep ILOKANO
kuliling CEBUANO

kulíling n ringing, tinkling sound as that of a phone or small bell. v [A; c1] for a small bell …

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feeling ENGLISH

Any state or condition of emotion; the exercise of the capacity for emotion; any mental state whatever; as, a right …

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The leader of the monks in the Greek Church

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dissipativity ENGLISH

The rate at which palpable energy is dissipated away into other forms of energy.

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weazeny ENGLISH

Somewhat weazen; shriveled.

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Relating to, or forming, the base.

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position ENGLISH

The spot where a person or thing is placed or takes a place; site; place; station; situation; as, the position …

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meterage ENGLISH

The act of measuring, or the cost of measuring.

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residential ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a residence or residents; as, residential trade.

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eschewer ENGLISH

One who eschews.

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Feodi Firmarius LAW AND LEGAL

The lessee of a fee-farm

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caufle ENGLISH

A gang of slaves. Same as Coffle.

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An earthy oxide of manganese, or mixture of different oxides and water, with some oxide of iron, and often silica, …

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misiyas CEBUANO

misíyas n Messiah. Si Kristu ang Misíyas, Christ, the Messiah.

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A feat. [Obs.] See Do, n.

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trumbun CEBUANO

trumbun n trombone. v [A; b6] play the trombone.

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unmoor ENGLISH

To loose from anchorage. See Moor, v. t.

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In mining law and the usage of miners, is a wall of coal left between two mines

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