"Pollicitation" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Pollicitation LAW AND LEGAL

In the civll law. An offer not yet accepted by the person to whom lt is made. Langd. Cont 8 1* See McCul-loch v. Eagle Ins. Co., 1 Pick. (Mass.) 283

pollicitation ENGLISH

A voluntary engagement, or a paper containing it; a

pollicitation ENGLISH

A promise without mutuality; a promise which has not
been accepted by the person to whom it is made.

Few words of positivity

A book is as dangerous as any journey you might take. The person who closes the back cover may not be the same one that opened the front one. Treat them with respect.

Mark Lawrence, Red Sister

Laugh your heart out.

Janet came home from school and asked her mother if the aerosol spray in the kitchen was hair lacquer. "No," said Mom. "It's glue." "I thought so," said Janet. "I wondered why I couldn't get my hat off today."

accept ENGLISH

To receive as obligatory and promise to pay; as, to accept a bill of exchange.

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An agreement between two persons, one of whom has a right of action against the other, that the latter should …

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engagement ENGLISH

That which engages; engrossing occupation; employment of the attention; obligation by pledge, promise, or contract; an enterprise embarked in; as, …

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Propositions or promises, as in contracts, which, when assented to or accepted by another, settle the contract and bind the …

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