"Policed" is a word in ENGLISH

policed ENGLISH

Regulated by laws for the maintenance of peace and order,
enforced by organized administration.

policed ENGLISH

of Police

Few words of positivity

So young and so lethargic! As though he had been born to sit and stare like this. Ever since Kiyoaki had confided in him, Shigekuni, who would have been bright and confident, as befitted such an able young man, had undergone a change. Or rather, the friendship between him and Kiyoaki had undergone a strange reversal. For years, each of them had been extremely careful to intrude in no way on the personal life of the other. But now, just three days before, Kiyoaki had suddenly come to him and, like a newly cured patient transmitting his disease to someone else, had passed on to his friend the virus of introspection. It had taken hold so readily that Honda's disposition now seemed a far better host to it than Kiyoaki's. The first major symptom of the disease was a vague sense of apprehension.

Yukio Mishima, Spring Snow

Laugh your heart out.

Swedish business consultant Ulf af Trolle labored 11 years on a book about Swedish economic solutions. He took the 175-page manuscript to be copied, only to have it reduced to 25,000 strips of paper in seconds when a worker confused the copier with the shredder.

Acts Of Sederunt LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. ordinances for regulating the forms of pro-ceeding, before the court of session, in the administration of Justice, …

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astronomer ENGLISH

One who is versed in astronomy; one who has a knowledge of the laws of the heavenly orbs, or the …

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balaud CEBUANO

baláud v [A; c] {1} issue an order. Gibalaúran kung Tátay sa dílì na pagtabakù, Father ordered me not to …

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barrel ENGLISH

The quantity which constitutes a full barrel. This varies for different articles and also in different places for the same …

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A name given collectively to the body of laws, statutes, and rules in force in various southern states prlor to …

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A supposititious code of severe laws for the regulation of religious and personal conduct in the colonies of Connecticut and …

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by-law ENGLISH

A local or subordinate law; a private law or regulation made by a corporation for its own government.

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Regulations, ordinances, or rules enacted by a private corporation for its own government

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A law, or rule of doctrine or discipline, enacted by a council and confirmed by the pope or the sovereign; …

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Circumspecte Agatis LAW AND LEGAL

The title of a statute passed 13 Edw. I. A. D. 1285, and so called from the initial words of …

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The departure of a vessel from port, after complying with the customs and health laws and like local regulations

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Rule of violence; regulation by force; the law of arms

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community ENGLISH

A body of people having common rights, privileges, or interests, or living in the same place under the same laws …

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A society of people liv-Ing ln the same place, under the same laws and regulations, and who have common rights …

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consistency ENGLISH

Agreement or harmony of all parts of a complex thing among themselves, or of the same thing with itself at …

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decree ENGLISH

An edict or law made by a council for regulating any business within their jurisdiction; as, the decrees of ecclesiastical …

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Dependency LAW AND LEGAL

A territory distinct from the country ln which the supreme sovereign power resides, but belonging right* folly to it, and …

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establish ENGLISH

To appoint or constitute for permanence, as officers, laws, regulations, etc.; to enact; to ordain.

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This word occurs fre-quently in the constitution of the United States, and it is there used in different meanings: (1) …

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familistery ENGLISH

A community in which many persons unite as in one family, and are regulated by certain communistic laws and customs.

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