"Pluris" is a word in CEBUANO

pluris CEBUANO

plúris {1} = búlak, 2a.
{2} di Máyu season in the month of May when flowers are o?
ered to the Virgin in the church.
v {1} [A12; b6] draw a búlak in mahjong.
{2} [A1] hold the celebration of the May flowers.

Few words of positivity

Yesterday morning, I awoke to a brilliant rainbow. At first, I marveled at the sky’s pink hues, and I thought how soothing it was. I haven’t had that feeling in a long time, that feeling of being at peace with myself or my life. I got out of bed to stand to pull the obligatory curtain further, the color peeking through the leaves of the oaks outside my window. Where I had been seeing grey for quite some time shone now pink. The color is hard to describe accurately. It was pink; but it bordered on a light red. It told me to come look at it.

R.B. O'Brien

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the cannibal expelled from school? Because he kept buttering up the teacher.

alimyun CEBUANO

alimyun n sweet smell, fragrance. Ang alimyun sa mga búlak, The fragrance of the flowers. paN- v [A; b(1)] smell …

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ángay ought to. Ángay kang magtuun arun makapasar ka, You ought to study if you want to pass. Dì nà …

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ay {1} expression dismissing what follows as unimportant. Ay kanà, ihátag na lang nà, Oh that! Just give it away. …

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bukhad CEBUANO

bukhad v [AB3(1)6; c1] spread out, unfold s.t. which is rolled or folded up, for s.t. to open up. Mibukhad …

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buki n {1} bouquet of flowers. {2} set of four consecutive mahjong pieces of the flower design (búlak, 2a). v …

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búlak n {1} flower, blossom. {1a} woman (metaphor). Ikaw ang búlak nga ákung gipangítà, You are the maid (lit. flower) …

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humut a {1} sweet-smelling. Humut nga búlak, Fragrant flow-ers. Humut nga bàbà, Sweet-smelling mouth. Humut nga pagkáun, Good-smelling food. {2} …

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kadina CEBUANO

kadína n chain. Kadína sa bisiklíta, Bicycle chain. v {1} [AB; a] form a chain, cause s.t. to do so. …

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kulur, kúlur n {1} color. {2} ones true colors, real character. Mu ra nà siyag buútan apan dílì nà mauy …

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lab-as CEBUANO

lab-as a {1} for s.t. quickly perishable to be fresh. Lab-as nga hángin, Fresh air. Lab-as nga balità, Fresh news. …

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lárag v {1} [B2] for leaves to yellow. Nagkalarag ang mga tanum kay way ulan, The plants are becoming yellow …

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law-it CEBUANO

law-it v [A; c1] {1} hook s.t. , pick up with a hook. Nakalaw-it silag sapátus dunut, They hooked an …

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lawus a {1} withered. Ngánung lawus ang utanung ímung gi-palit? Why did you buy withered vegetables? {2} withered or wizened …

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lúkun v [AB456; a12] coil up, coil s.t. up, usually in several coils. Naglúkun siyag nuug arun himúung lukun paglukdu …

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lyábi - Key. See liábe. m, The letter "M” in Visayan is pronounced as in English. The letter "M” is …

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nátad (for lanátad) n {1} yard of a house or building. Gitamnan ug mga búlak ang nátad (nataran) sa ílang …

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palawir CEBUANO

paláwir (not without l) n female genitalia. paN- v {1} [A2; b6] adorn with flowers. {2} [A2; b3] make oneself …

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pigsang CEBUANO

pigsang v [B] {1} for flowers to be in full bloom. Mipigsang ang mga búlak sa hardin, The flowers in …

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piskay CEBUANO

piskay a {1} alert, active and full of energy. {2} full of life. Piskay ang plásag maduminggu, The plaza is …

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plawir CEBUANO

pláwir n {1} female genitalia (euphemism). {2} minor charac-ters in a play, insignificant performers in a game. {3} = búlak, …

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