"Plundered" is a word in ENGLISH

plundered ENGLISH

of Plunder

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I was stupid, mad and dead, but the Lord Jesus saved me from my stupidity.

Oppong Amankwaa

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Why did Julius Caesar buy crayons ?He wanted Mark Antony !


atí - To sack, rob, steal, plunder. Ginatí níla ang bánwa. They sacked the town. Dílì nínyo pagatión (pagatihón) ang …

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To rob; to plunder.

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bezzle ENGLISH

To plunder; to waste in riot.

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Hence: To seek for game or plunder; to thieve.

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boothale ENGLISH

To forage for booty; to plunder.

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booting ENGLISH

Advantage; gain; gain by plunder; booty.

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That which is seized by violence or obtained by robbery, especially collective spoil taken in war; plunder; pillage.

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brigand ENGLISH

A lawless fellow who lives by plunder; one of a band of robbers; especially, one of a gang living in …

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brigandage ENGLISH

Life and practice of brigands; highway robbery; plunder.

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comanches ENGLISH

A warlike, savage, and nomadic tribe of the Shoshone family of Indians, inhabiting Mexico and the adjacent parts of the …

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cruise ENGLISH

To sail back and forth on the ocean; to sail, as for the potection of commerce, in search of an …

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depredate ENGLISH

To subject to plunder and pillage; to despoil; to lay waste; to prey upon.

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depredate ENGLISH

To take plunder or prey; to commit waste; as, the troops depredated on the country.

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depredator ENGLISH

One who plunders or pillages; a spoiler; a robber.

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depredatory ENGLISH

Tending or designed to depredate; characterized by depredation; plundering; as, a depredatory incursion.

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despoil ENGLISH

To deprive for spoil; to plunder; to rob; to pillage; to strip; to divest; -- usually followed by of.

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despoliation ENGLISH

A stripping or plundering; spoliation.

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direption ENGLISH

The act of plundering, despoiling, or snatching away.

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With plundering violence; by violent injustice.

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In the civil law. To spoil; to rob or plunder. Applied to inheritances. Dig. 47, 19; Cod. 9, 32

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