"Plitina" is a word in CEBUANO

plitina CEBUANO

plitína = pilitína.

Few words of positivity

I am an author that likes to write in many different styles so to use the platform of expression to the absolute best of the ability that I have been given.

Calvin W. Allison, Standing at the Top of the Hill

Laugh your heart out.

A salesman who was out on his territory had a heart attack in his motel room and died. The motel manager called the salesman's company and related the tragedy to the sales manager.The sales manager received the news in a nonchalant manner and told the motel manager, "Return his samples by freight and search his pants for orders."

undertake ENGLISH

To engage with; to attack.

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kamalig TAGALOG

kamalig Definition: (noun) warehouse, granary

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polystomata ENGLISH

A division of trematode worms having more two suckers. Called also Polystomea and Polystoma.

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galley ENGLISH

A vessel propelled by oars, whether having masts and sails or not

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slough ENGLISH

To cast off; to discard as refuse.

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bantal CEBUANO

bantal v [A; a] bundle s.t. Bantála ang mga bulingun, Bundle the dirty clothes. Písing lig-un ang ibantal sa magasin, …

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kasaypanan HILIGAYNON

kasaypánan - See kasayopán.

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agwáson - A very poisonous snake, growing to the thickness of a man’s arm, living mostly in the jungle and …

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Accompained with mist; characterized by the presence of mist; obscured by, or overspread with, mist; as, misty weather; misty mountains; …

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To bring forth; as, to fall lambs.

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germinate ENGLISH

To cause to sprout.

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insinuator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, insinuates.

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salbasiyun CEBUANO

salbasiyun n salvation of the soul from sin and hell.

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abjectedness ENGLISH

A very abject or low condition; abjectness.

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mirador ENGLISH

Same as Belvedere.

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tigbulunga HILIGAYNON

tigbulungá - Season of ripening fruits, time when the fruits ripen. (cf. búnga).

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ángkab - A snap, bite; to snap, bite, seize suddenly with the teeth. Ginángkab siá sang idô. He was bitten …

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isolate ENGLISH

To place in a detached situation; to place by itself or alone; to insulate; to separate from others.

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In the civil law. The . master or commander of a ship; the captain ef a man-of-war

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