"Pleurodont" is a word in ENGLISH

pleurodont ENGLISH

Any lizard having pleurodont teeth.

pleurodont ENGLISH

Having the teeth consolidated with the inner edge of
the jaw, as in some lizards.

Few words of positivity

Shit happens. But so does magic." ~ Celia Wird, SEALED WITH A CURSE: A Weird Girls Novel

Cecy Robson

Laugh your heart out.

Kung nagugutom ako at kelangan ko ng isang taong makakapagpabusog sa akin.

Pwede ba kitang lapitan at sabihin....Pakagat naman kahit sa labi man lang.

acrodont ENGLISH

One of a group of lizards having the teeth immovably united to the top of the alveolar ridge.

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acuminate ENGLISH

Tapering to a point; pointed; as, acuminate leaves, teeth, etc.

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áglot - A harsh sound of creaking or grating; to creak, to grate. Ang balás nagaáglot sa ng[ípon. Sand grates …

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agutíng - Decay, rottenness, decomposition, caries of the teeth. Ang kalawág bulúng sa agutíng. The kalawágplant is a remedy for …

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agutingon HILIGAYNON

agutingón - Pertaining to, or suffering from, decaying teeth. Ang agutingón índì magkáon sing dólse, kay magabúsug ang íya ngipon. …

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áklab - To bite, snap, tear with the teeth. (cf. kagát, úkub, tukúb, áp-ap).

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v. /MA-/ to have one’s teeth sensitive, to feel a tingling pain in the teeth when biting hard food, drinking …

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alligator ENGLISH

A large carnivorous reptile of the Crocodile family, peculiar to America. It has a shorter and broader snout than the …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-AN/ to hold in the mouth without biting or sucking with the lips folded in over the teeth. …

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angat n teeth marks. Angat sa pinaakan sa hálas, Teeth marks of a snake.

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ángkab - A snap, bite; to snap, bite, seize suddenly with the teeth. Ginángkab siá sang idô. He was bitten …

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angngab ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to take or hold with the lips or teeth without biting. Saan mo nga angngaban dayta lapis. Don’t …

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anodon ENGLISH

A genus of fresh-water bivalves, having no teeth at the hinge.

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anoplotherium ENGLISH

A genus of extinct quadrupeds of the order Ungulata, whose were first found in the gypsum quarries near Paris; characterized …

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A quadrumanous mammal, esp. of the family Simiadae, having teeth of the same number and form as in man, and …

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archaeopteryx ENGLISH

A fossil bird, of the Jurassic period, remarkable for having a long tapering tail of many vertebrae with feathers along …

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atutung CEBUANO

atutung n blackening of the teeth. v [A123P; a4] get blackened teeth. Ug dì ta manipilyu atutungun ta, If you …

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audiphone ENGLISH

An instrument which, placed against the teeth, conveys sound to the auditory nerve and enables the deaf to hear more …

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awang n space between the upper two front teeth. In folk belief, a woman is thought to be oversexed if …

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aye-aye ENGLISH

A singular nocturnal quadruped, allied to the lemurs, found in Madagascar (Cheiromys Madagascariensis), remarkable for its long fingers, sharp nails, …

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