"Plegepoda" is a word in ENGLISH

plegepoda ENGLISH

Same as Infusoria.

Few words of positivity

A billion stars above us coat the sky white. It would have been beautiful back home, but not here. Here it is the ever present reminder that we are all alone and insignificant.

Jennifer Arnett

Laugh your heart out.

What is a hamburger's favourite story?Hansel and Gristle!

acinetae ENGLISH

A group of suctorial Infusoria, which in the adult stage are stationary. See Suctoria.

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animalcule ENGLISH

An animal, invisible, or nearly so, to the naked eye. See Infusoria.

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baguette ENGLISH

One of the minute bodies seen in the divided nucleoli of some Infusoria after conjugation.

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bergmeal ENGLISH

An earthy substance, resembling fine flour. It is composed of the shells of infusoria, and in Lapland and Sweden is …

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Small, generally microscopic, vibrating appendages lining certain organs, as the air passages of the higher animals, and in the lower …

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ciliata ENGLISH

One of the orders of Infusoria, characterized by having cilia. In some species the cilia cover the body generally, in …

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duplicate ENGLISH

To divide into two by natural growth or spontaneous action; as, infusoria duplicate themselves.

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flagellata ENGLISH

An order of Infusoria, having one or two long, whiplike cilia, at the anterior end. It includes monads. See Infusoria, …

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heterotricha ENGLISH

A division of ciliated Infusoria, having fine cilia all over the body, and a circle of larger ones around the …

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holotricha ENGLISH

A group of ciliated Infusoria, having cilia all over the body.

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hypotricha ENGLISH

A division of ciliated Infusoria in which the cilia cover only the under side of the body.

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infusoria ENGLISH

One of the classes of Protozoa, including a large number of species, all of minute size.

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infusorial ENGLISH

Belonging to the Infusoria; composed of, or containing, Infusoria; as, infusorial earth.

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infusorian ENGLISH

One of the Infusoria.

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infusory ENGLISH

One of the Infusoria; -- usually in the pl.

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mastigopoda ENGLISH
microzoa ENGLISH

One of the smallest flangellate Infusoria; esp., the species of the genus Monas, and allied genera.

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monadaria ENGLISH

A genus of minute flagellate Infusoria of which there are many species, both free and attached. See Illust. under Monad.

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