"Pleasured" is a word in ENGLISH

pleasured ENGLISH

of Pleasure

Few words of positivity

When was the last time you were kissed?" he went on easily. "And I'm not talking about the dry, noncommittal, meaningless kiss you forget about as soon as it's over." I scrambled out of my stupor long enough to quip, "Like last night's kiss?" He cocked an eyebrow. "That so? I wonder, then, why you moaned my name after you drifted to sleep." "I did not!""If only I'd had a video recorder. When was the last time you were really kissed?" he repeated."You seriously think I'm going to tell you?" "Your ex?" he guessed. "And if he was?""Was it your ex who taught you to be ashamed and uncomfortable with intimacy? He took from you what he wanted, but never seemed to be around when you wanted something back, isn't that right? What do you want, Britt?" he asked me point-blank. "Do you really want to pretend like last night never happened?" "Whatever happened between me and Calvin isn't your business,” I fired back."For your information, he was a really great boyfriend. I-I wish I was with him right now!" I exclaimed untruthfully. My careless comment made him flinch, but he recovered quickly."Does he love you?" "What?" I said, flustered. "If you know him so well, it shouldn't be a hard question. Is he in love with you? Was he ever in love with you?"I tossed my head back haughtily. "I know what you're doing. You're trying to cut him down because you're-you're jealous of him!" "You're damn right I'm jealous,” he growled. "When I kiss a girl, I like to know she's thinking about me, not the fool who gave her up.

Becca Fitzpatrick, Black Ice

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Albert !Albert who !Albert you don't know who this is !


aba exclamation of pleasure and surprise. Aba! Nakadaug ku, My! I won!

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abridgment ENGLISH

The act of abridging, or the state of being abridged; diminution; lessening; reduction or deprivation; as, an abridgment of pleasures …

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Absolutism LAW AND LEGAL

Any system of government, be lt a monarchy or democracy, in which one or more persons, or a class, govern …

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acceptable ENGLISH

Capable, worthy, or sure of being accepted or received with pleasure; pleasing to a receiver; gratifying; agreeable; welcome; as, an …

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Having nice or quick sensibility; susceptible to slight impressions; acting keenly on the senses; sharp; keen; intense; as, a man …

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ad libitum ENGLISH

At one's pleasure; as one wishes.

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admire ENGLISH

To regard with wonder and delight; to look upon with an elevated feeling of pleasure, as something which calls out …

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agreeableness ENGLISH

The quality of being agreeable or pleasing; that quality which gives satisfaction or moderate pleasure to the mind or senses.

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agreeably ENGLISH

In an agreeably manner; in a manner to give pleasure; pleasingly.

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alcove ENGLISH

A small ornamental building with seats, or an arched seat, in a pleasure ground; a garden bower.

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alinamnam ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to enjoy with much pleasure; to relish.

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To abate, impair, or debase by mixture; to allay; as, to alloy pleasure with misfortunes.

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allurement ENGLISH

That which allures; any real or apparent good held forth, or operating, as a motive to action; as, the allurements …

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In real property law. Such circumstances, in regard to situation, out-look, access to a water-course, or the like, as enhance …

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amusement ENGLISH

The state of being amused; pleasurable excitement; that which amuses; diversion.

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ángay - Match, equality, suitability, propriety, fitness; matched, equal, suitable, proper, fit, adapted, proportioned; to be well matched, equal, suitable, …

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anticipate ENGLISH

To foretaste or foresee; to have a previous view or impression of; as, to anticipate the pleasures of a visit; …

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apathy ENGLISH

Want of feeling; privation of passion, emotion, or excitement; dispassion; -- applied either to the body or the mind. As …

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approbation ENGLISH

The act of approving; an assenting to the propriety of a thing with some degree of pleasure or satisfaction; approval; …

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Appropriate LAW AND LEGAL

1. To make a thing one's own; to make a thing the subject of property; to exercise dominion over an …

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