"Pleasantries" is a word in ENGLISH

pleasantries ENGLISH

of Pleasantry

Few words of positivity

On a medical school professor noted for slowly, carefully interviewing the patient: "He taught the love of truth.

David McCullough, The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris

Laugh your heart out.

A man who forgets his wife's birthday is certain to get something to remember her by.


alakáyo - Buffoon, jester, merry-andrew, clown; to act the clown, crack jokes, converse wittily, utter pleasantries. Ginalakayóhan akó níya. He …

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banter ENGLISH

The act of bantering; joking or jesting; humorous or good-humored raillery; pleasantry.

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facetious ENGLISH

Characterized by wit and pleasantry; exciting laughter; as, a facetious story or reply.

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jesting ENGLISH

The act or practice of making jests; joking; pleasantry.

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kahám-ut - (H) Fun, pleasure, enjoyment, gaiety, cheerfulness, pleasantry that excites laughter. Dakû gid ang íla kahám-ut sádto nga hámbal. …

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kaladlawan HILIGAYNON

kaladláwan - (H) Fun, funniness, drollery, ludicrousness, laughableness, ridiculousness, pleasantry, anything that excites laughter (with or without contempt); ridiculous, funny, …

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kalaham-utan HILIGAYNON

kalaham-után - (H) Merriment, pleasure, pleasantry, fun, mirth, drollery, buffoonery, things that excite laughter and merriment. (cf. hám-u, kahám-ut, kahamútan, …

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langan-langan HILIGAYNON

langán-langán - Dim. and Freq. of langán. langás, Joke, jest, fun, wit, drollery, pleasantry, humour, smart saying, flash of merriment; …

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parody ENGLISH

A writing in which the language or sentiment of an author is mimicked; especially, a kind of literary pleasantry, in …

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paurúg - (B) To talk playfully, jest, say something in fun, crack a joke; to cajole, wheedle, cheat, trick, induce …

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pleasantry ENGLISH

That which denotes or promotes pleasure or good humor; cheerfulness; gayety; merriment; especially, an agreeable playfulness in conversation; a jocose …

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pleasurable ENGLISH

Capable of affording pleasure or satisfaction; gratifying; abounding in pleasantness or pleasantry.

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raillery ENGLISH

Pleasantry or slight satire; banter; jesting language; satirical merriment.

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To attack with raillery, either in good humor and pleasantry, or with slight contempt or satire.

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To use pleasantry, or satirical merriment.

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unpleasantry ENGLISH

Want of pleasantry.

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waggery ENGLISH

The manner or action of a wag; mischievous merriment; sportive trick or gayety; good-humored sarcasm; pleasantry; jocularity; as, the waggery …

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