"Planipennia" is a word in ENGLISH

planipennia ENGLISH

A suborder of Neuroptera, including those that
have broad, flat wings, as the ant-lion, lacewing, etc. Called also

Few words of positivity

I doubt if I have made the best use of all my calamities. Soft, amiable natures they would have refined to saintliness; of strong, evil spirits they would have made demons; as for me, I have only been a woe-struck and selfish woman.

Charlotte Brontë, Villette

Laugh your heart out.

Where do Danish cows come from? Cowpenhagenf

anthropoidea ENGLISH

The suborder of primates which includes the monkeys, apes, and man.

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cetacea ENGLISH

An order of marine mammals, including the whales. Like ordinary mammals they breathe by means of lungs, and bring forth …

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chilostomata ENGLISH

An extensive suborder of marine Bryozoa, mostly with calcareous shells. They have a movable lip and a lid to close …

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cichoraceous ENGLISH

Belonging to, or resembling, a suborder of composite plants of which the chicory (Cichorium) is the type.

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citigradae ENGLISH

A suborder of Arachnoidea, including the European tarantula and the wolf spiders (Lycosidae) and their allies, which capture their prey …

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ctenostomata ENGLISH

A suborder of Bryozoa, usually having a circle of bristles below the tentacles.

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ginkgo ENGLISH

A large ornamental tree (Ginkgo biloba) from China and Japan, belonging to the Yew suborder of Coniferae. Its leaves are …

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heteroptera ENGLISH

A suborder of Hemiptera, in which the base of the anterior wings is thickened. See Hemiptera.

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homoptera ENGLISH

A suborder of Hemiptera, in which both pairs of wings are similar in texture, and do not overlap when folded, …

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A suborder of marine gastropod mollusks, in which the gills are between the foot and the mantle.

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lemuroidea ENGLISH

A suborder of primates, including the lemurs, the aye-aye, and allied species.

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lernaeacea ENGLISH

A suborder of copepod Crustacea, including a large number of remarkable forms, mostly parasitic on fishes. The young, however, are …

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liguliflorous ENGLISH

Bearing only ligulate flowers; -- said of a large suborder of composite plants, such as the dandelion, lettuce, hawkweed, etc.

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loricata ENGLISH

A suborder of edentates, covered with bony plates, including the armadillos.

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Any one of several very large extinct species of wingless birds belonging to Dinornis, and other related genera, of the …

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monopneumona ENGLISH

A suborder of Dipnoi, including the Ceratodus.

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nematocera ENGLISH

A suborder of dipterous insects, having long antennae, as the mosquito, gnat, and crane fly; -- called also Nemocera.

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octocerata ENGLISH

A suborder of Cephalopoda including Octopus, Argonauta, and allied genera, having eight arms around the head; -- called also Octopoda.

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oculinacea ENGLISH

A suborder of corals including many reef-building species, having round, starlike calicles.

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ostracodermi ENGLISH

A suborder of fishes of which Ostracion is the type.

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