"Planer" is a word in ENGLISH

planer ENGLISH

A wooden block used for forcing down the type in a form,
and making the surface even.

planer ENGLISH

One who, or that which, planes; a planing machine; esp., a
machine for planing wood or metals.

Few words of positivity

They say adolescent 'best' friendships are like love affairs where we learn the rules of relationships: commitment, trust, loyalty, jealousy, exchange, loss. Not being acquainted with the theories of friendship, Charles and Lise chose each other out of good humoured envy. Each wanted the life of the other.

Barbara Wels

Laugh your heart out.

One day there were these three boys walking down the street, all of a sudden they heard a yell: 'HELP! HELP!'When the boys got to the noise they saw Bill Clinton in a lake drowning. The three boys saved him from drowning. Bill Clinton asks the first boy how he could ever repay him. The boy said, 'I want a boat.'The second boy said 'I want a truck.' And the third boy said, 'I want three tombstones with arenames all on them.' Bill Clinton said, 'why is that son?' The little boy said, 'because when my Dad finds out that wesaved you, he is going to kill us all!'

aeroplane ENGLISH

A flying machine, or a small plane for experiments on flying, which floats in the air only when propelled through …

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dalagan CEBUANO

dalágan v {1} [A2S; ab3c] for a person to run. Midágan siya kay nahadluk, He ran away because he was …

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headstock ENGLISH

The part of a planing machine that supports the cutter, etc.

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hungit CEBUANO

hungit v [A; ac] {1} put s.t. into the mouth. Hungita ang bátà, Put the food into the childs mouth. …

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A compact, portable machine for planing metal.

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jim-crow ENGLISH

A planing machine with a reversing tool, to plane both ways.

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A draught or form; properly, a representation drawn on a plane, as a map or a chart; especially, a top …

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section ENGLISH

The description or representation of anything as it would appear if cut through by any intersecting plane; depiction of what …

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To run or plane (moldings) in a machine, in contradistinction to working them by hand. Such moldings are said to …

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An instrument such as a hammer, saw, plane, file, and the like, used in the manual arts, to facilitate mechanical …

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