"Piyung" is a word in WARAY, CEBUANO

piyung WARAY

Piyung or piyong - to close one's eyes

piyung CEBUANO

píyung v [A2S; c1] close the eyes.
Pyúnga (ipíyung) ang ímung mata; unyà tag-ána ni, Close your eyes; then guess what it is.
{2} [A12; b6] for one to be so good at doing s.t.
he can do it with the eyes closed.
Pyúngan nà nákug áyu, I can fix that with my eyes closed.
{3} [A; a12] close ones eyes to s.t.
bad, tolerate it.
Kadtung nagpíyung sa ílang mga mata sa mga kasaypánan sad-an pud, Those who close their eyes to the irregularities are also guilty.
() a for the eyes to be closed.
tag-() v [B; c1] take a short nap.
Mutagpiyung lang kug kadiyut, Ill just take a short nap.
Natagpiyung tingali siya kay naawahi man sa trabáhu, He must have dozed o?
because he was late to work.

Few words of positivity

I realize now, I was learning how to walk as well. I haven’t mastered the steps, I fall too. But im on my path, my path... and one day that path... will take me to her.

Makoto Shinkai, The Garden of Words

Laugh your heart out.

This farmer has 500 hens but no rooster so he goes to his neighbor and asks him if he could buy a rooster for $100. The neighbor says, "You can have this rooster. His name's Roy. He'll get all your hens pregnant. He's a real stud." So the farmer takes him home and says, "It's your first day so take it slow, okay?" The farmer puts Roy in the hen house and then hears all the hens crying and yelling. Roy nailed every one of those hens and then nailed a duck and a goose at a pond. The next morning the farmer finds Roy lying dead with his legs sticking in the air and buzzards circling overhead. The farmer says, "Roy, did you have to die?" Roy says, "Quiet! They're about to land!"

adductor ENGLISH

A muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward the middle line of the body, or closes …

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alumílaw - (H) Very light, not deep, easily to be awakened from, with half-closed eyes, said of sleep. Nagkatulúg ikáw?—Hóo, …

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bulag v {1} [A2B2; bc] separate from, get separated. Adtu ku mubulag nímu sa iskína, I will leave you at …

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To stop, or fill up, as an opening; to shut; as, to close the eyes; to close a door.

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To turn (the eye) obliquely and partially close its lid, as an expression of derision or insinuation.

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connive ENGLISH

To open and close the eyes rapidly; to wink.

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connive ENGLISH

To close the eyes upon a fault; to wink (at); to fail or forbear by intention to discover an act; …

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diyung CEBUANO

díyung v [A3P; c1] {1} close the eyes to a slit. Midíyung ang íyang mga mata sa kasúlaw, His eyes …

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enseel ENGLISH

To close eyes of; to seel; -- said in reference to a hawk.

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halupuwint CEBUANO

halupúwint n bullet shaped like a pointed capsule and hollow inside. hálus {1} can barely do s.t. Hálus (hálus dílì) …

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hiling CEBUANO

hiling v {1} [AN; a12] examine s.t. carefully, touching it to see what is there. Gihiling níya ang irù ug …

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hiráw - The spike of a plant. Also: only half-open, nearly closed (of eyes). (cf. pirót).

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híraw - Half-closed, half-open; to be only half-open (of eyes).

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hiyung CEBUANO

híyung v [B; b6c1] for the eyes to squint, close, particularly to see s.t. better. Mihíyung ang mata ni Imuy …

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huk n hook, a closing device on a garment. an ay n hook and eye, device to close a garment. …

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irap2 Active Verb: mang-irap Definition: (verb) to close one's eyes and turn away

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keppet ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to close, shut. Nagkeppet ti mata na. His eyes closed.

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v. /AG-/ to close the eyes. /MANGI-: I-/ to close (the eyes or something like the eyes).

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kípot - To shut, close. Kipóta ang matá, bâbâ, ganháan, bintánà, baúl, etc. Close the eye, the mouth, the door, …

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kíput v {1} [AB2; ab7] for an opening to become closed or s.t. exposed to get to be covered or …

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