"Pitta" is a word in ENGLISH


Any one of a large group of bright-colored clamatorial birds
belonging to Pitta, and allied genera of the family Pittidae. Most of
the species are varied with three or more colors, such as blue, green,
crimson, yellow, purple, and black. They are called also ground
thrushes, and Old World ant thrushes; but they are not related to the
true thrushes.

Few words of positivity

For what am I to myself without You, but a guide to my own downfall?

Augustine of Hippo, Confessions

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross an elephant with the abominable snowman? A jumbo yeti.

accentor ENGLISH

A genus of European birds (so named from their sweet notes), including the hedge warbler. In America sometimes applied to …

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ant thrush ENGLISH

See Ant bird, under Ant.

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ant thrush ENGLISH

One of several species of tropical birds, of the Old World, of the genus Pitta, somewhat resembling the thrushes, and …

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aphtha ENGLISH

The disease, also called thrush.

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aphthae ENGLISH

Roundish pearl-colored specks or flakes in the mouth, on the lips, etc., terminating in white sloughs. They are commonly characteristic …

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aphthoid ENGLISH

Of the nature of aphthae; resembling thrush.

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blackbird ENGLISH

In England, a species of thrush (Turdus merula), a singing bird with a fin note; the merle. In America the …

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The great ant thrush of Sumatra (Pitta gigas), which has a very short tail.

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brown thrush ENGLISH

A common American singing bird (Harporhynchus rufus), allied to the mocking bird; -- also called brown thrasher.

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canker ENGLISH

An obstinate and often incurable disease of a horse's foot, characterized by separation of the horny portion and the development …

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draine ENGLISH

The missel thrush.

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fieldfare ENGLISH

a small thrush (Turdus pilaris) which breeds in northern Europe and winters in Great Britain. The head, nape, and lower …

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formicaroid ENGLISH

Like or pertaining to the family Formicaridae or ant thrushes.

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A discharge of a fetid or ichorous matter from the frog of a horse's foot; -- also caled thrush.

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grinder ENGLISH

The restless flycatcher (Seisura inquieta) of Australia; -- called also restless thrush and volatile thrush. It makes a noise like …

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kickup ENGLISH

The water thrush or accentor.

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The European throstle or song thrush (Turdus musicus).

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merulidan ENGLISH

A bird of the Thrush family.

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nightingale ENGLISH

A larger species (Lucinia philomela), of Eastern Europe, having similar habits; the thrush nightingale. The name is also applied to …

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One of several species of European thrushes, especially the blackbird (Merula merula, or Turdus merula), and the mountain or ring …

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